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    Jurassic World


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    There are more than a few scenes where “Jurassic World” devolves into a simple creature feature; a good looking one, but mostly dinosaur stomping and chomping on unsuspecting people. We've seen that before. What's new is a subtheme found throughout the film that shows genuine intelligence. Am I looking too much into it? Maybe, but I’m fairly sure that director Colin Trevorrow put them there intentionally.

    On Isla Nublar, a fully functional “Jurassic World” amusement park has been profitable for years. Unfortunately, the ungrateful masses aren’t content with just seeing dinosaurs and InGen has been developing a new “attraction” in the form of Indominus Rex, the first genetically created dinosaur. When the Indominus breaks loose, Velociraptor expert Owen Grady (Chris Pratt) and the park's operations manager, Claire Dearing (Bryce Dallas Howard), attempt to contain the situation. Right in the middle of the creature's path are Claire’s nephews: Gray (Ty Simpkins) and Zach (Nick Robinson)

    I see "Jurassic World" as a commentary on how films have changed since the first “Jurassic Park” in 1993. Think of today's audiences as spoiled children who are never satisfied; studio executives are mad scientists who push franchises further to appease them. Directors are the engineers caught in the middle. “If I don’t do it, I know someone else will so really, I might as well go with it” seems to be what Trevorrow said as he took on the project. No longer are special effects enough. People want more. We aren't flocking to “Jurassic World” to see dinosaurs or to think about the morality of cloning and bring species back from extinction. Ticket holders want to see carnage. They don’t want to see a full-functioning dinosaur theme park do well, they want to see it collapse. It’s not about the beauty of touching a Triceratops, it’s seeing dinosaurs fight to the death! Amp up the stakes by making it all about a dinosaur on the loose. It’s not just a survival story, we’re talking about man versus a Frankenstein-osaurus! At least the film is aware of what it's doing and I’ve got to hand it to the production team: a super dinosaur going on a rampage makes my inner child excited.

    With that said, the movie could be better. We have a completely superfluous love plot, an unnecessary villain and some questionable decision-making from our characters. All of these could have been taken out of the film to give us more character development and an overall stronger and smarter story.
    I like the film both as a big, I’ll say “dumb” monster movie and as an examination of what kind of beast this franchise has turned into. The dinosaurs look great. There’s a nice variety of old favorites and new ones brought in. There’s a missed opportunity to have an accurate portrayal with features, but it’s somewhat addressed in a scene in which B. D. Wong (returning as the same character as he was in the first movie) explains that this is not really a movie about dinosaurs. Just like the first “Jurassic Park” was about people who saw an opportunity and rushed to make a product without thinking of the ramifications of their actions. The people of “Jurassic World” are still playing God.

    There’s so much carnage and chaos that even with “The Lost World” and “Jurassic Park 3” removed from the series’ canon, there’s no way people who ever go to “Jurassic World” again. That would be another criticism: the events here are just so big that they feel out of place in a way.
    There are times when “Jurassic World” becomes a big, expensive and great-looking monster movie. That’s not a bad thing. Giant carnivorous beasts have captivated audiences since movies were a thing. On an intellectual level, there are ideas buried beneath the spectacle; the creation of Indominus Rex -essentially a dinosaur created by committee - is an addition that adds many new paths for the franchise and I’d love to see some of the survivors from this cataclysm again. “Jurassic World” is what it is. A movie that’s dumb at times, but is saved by great visuals, a story that works more than it doesn’t, some pretty cool 3-D effects and some appealing main characters who are intelligent... most of the time. (3-D Theatrical version in I-Max, September 3, 2015)

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    adamwatchesmovies@  24.6.2018 age: 26-35 2,891 reviews

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    6 - Not bad, could be much better
    5 - So so, okay if you don't pay
    4 - Not good, even if you don't pay
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