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    Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit


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    I don't read many spy thrillers or many types of books for pleasure these days as my work requires me to be constantly reading and researching in my area of expertise at the U of T. However I make it my business to know the great literary giants of the past which I have read diligently when younger. My degrees are in French language and literature but I can read literary works in Italian, Spanish, German and of course English. As said, it's a shame I can't delve into more pleasure reading with some amazing contemporary literature and more reading of the super heavyweights of former centuries. This said, who does not possibly know the great Tom Clancy whose novels (2 of them) I have read. This film version of Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit is, obviously, the very first encounter we have with the protagonist, the original novel of Jack Ryan becoming a CIA recruit and ultimately becoming Clancy's most iconic character. He's a great literary creation which translates so well to the screen. This suspense action thriller was beyond terrific and I loved every moment of it. One matter I would like to get off my chest before I proceed further is that many well known professional critics are notorious for revealing great portions of a film's plot, a true detriment to their writing. I don't consider this criticism and therefore don't read such narrative for there would be no point in seeing the film. Why read a critic who reveals all key elements? I like to deal with the outskirts of a movie, but a detail or two will always slip out. Let me start with the characters of JACK RYAN. All are strong and truly charismatic from Chris Pine as Jack, Keira Knightly who has no suspicion whatever as to what her fiancé does for a living which leads to an explosively dangerous situation, Kevin Costner, who keeps getting better with age, as Jack Ryan's superior and the great Shakespearean actor Kenneth Branagh as the ruthless Russian agent, types of roles he can do to perfection nowadays. I have never seen him play such a despicable character with great ease and yes, charm, quite the suave miscreant. It all adds to the mystique. I loved this cast. No question! The writing is crisp and clean and propels the action forward at every turn without missing a beat, never a single letdown. Once you learn the true stakes, Russian terrorism against who else but the USA, you are on guard not to miss a single word or the most insignificant detail because they lead you on a thrilling ride in an underworld of doggie dog! I am not sure if the film was shot in the U. S. and Russia, but from the look of it this was the real Russia and not superimosed on film by cinema magic. Both U. S. and especially Russian locales come so alive and Moscow seems to become a fifth character in the film. At first, poor Jack Ryan is totally out of his element as nothing has been explained to him... deliberately. Once he clues in for himself the entire tone of the film changes with his mission on this project all too fraught with danger and life-threatening events. His encounters and talks ( some seem like pep talks ) with his superior, the Costner character are really delicious and somewhat on the black comedy side. These were fabulous scenes! For me, it is rather hard to imagine that real-life CIA agents are on these dangerous covert missions on a daily basis, a life very foreign to all of us. It is definitely a life I would never want! As the film steamrolls to our utter amazement you have to keep up with the plots and counter-plots, some absolutely unimaginable, created by the most sophisticated of modern technology, some very new to me. It is amazing! Be sharp and don't miss a thing or the whole film might unravel before your very eyes. The intrigue is complicated, but any average adult should be able to follow the twists and turns. This is not a child's movie or even a younger teen movie so don't bring the children to this gem. It would be impossible for them to follow the complicated proceedings. As I sated earlier, the actors do an amazing job: Costner, Knightly and Branagh are fairly seasoned at this point. Chris Pine is by no means a newcomer but he still has to find his niche and a larger audience which he is doing with each film. He will add to his résumé with one of the most important musicals soon to be released, directed by Rob Marshall who directed the OSCAR winning CHICAGO. Some six years ago. GET SET! The movie is the famed musical by Stephen Sondheim and James Lapine INTO THE WOODS with MERYL STREEP as the WITCH and Johnny Depp as the wolf of fairy tale lore. The cast also includes the fabulous James Corden and Anna Kendrick, a truly plum role for her and many more stars. The film is a mish mash of all the fairy tales we know, blended expertly into what has been known as INTO THE WOODS since written for Broadway some 20+ years ago. WOODS, which I have seen on stage, is a difficult concept to transfer to the screen so I hope it all works because musicals by and large tend to flop in our day and age. INTO THE WOODS will be released on Christmas Day, 2014. Good luck to director Rob Marshall and the great actors who are part of the project.

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    pietroantoni@  21.9.2014 age: 36-49 14,637 reviews

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    9 - Excellent movie, a must see
    8 - Great movie, don't miss it
    7 - Good movie, worth seeing
    6 - Not bad, could be much better
    5 - So so, okay if you don't pay
    4 - Not good, even if you don't pay
    3 - Poor movie, not recommended
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