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    Movies like “Paddington” are a perfect example of why when I want to laugh, I don’t usually go looking for the latest R-Rated sex comedy, I seek well written, carefully put together children’s movies. It’s funny, playful, very charming, cute and it warmed my heart. I had a great time with it and I hope it reaches as many people as it deserves to. Paddington (the voice of Ben Whishaw) is a rare specimen of marmalade-loving, English-speaking, intelligent bears from Darkest Peru. When he travels to London, he has trouble finding a home and is taken in by the Browns (much to Mr. Brown’s chagrin) Searching for a home, he is unaware that a taxidermist (Nicole Kidman) is after his hide.

    I have to admit that I was a little wary about this movie when I saw the first trailers. I saw what I thought were the same kind of shenanigans that I see in so many bad children’s properties made into live-action movies. I was absolutely delighted to see that in context, not only were those clips much funnier, but they were inserted in an intelligently-written story. The film is very sweet, and totally harmless but throws in some well-placed humour to ensure that you won’t fall in love with it simply because you want to bring Paddington home and brush his fur all day. I would say that most of the comedy comes in the form of either Paddington misunderstanding our complex world (he does come from a jungle you know) or simply being a bear in our world. I know what you’re thinking, but let me assure you that these jokes are done the right way. There is nothing that will date this movie like Paddington listening to a Justin Bieber song and being scared, or him watching reality TV and being surprised that such tiny people can live in the Brown’s house. I thought the running gags were very well handled and often inserted in the story as real plot points, which impressed me a lot. I was also happy to see that there’s a nice variety of humor. It’s got physical comedy and pratfalls, fish-out-of-water confusion, puns, odd-couple type comedy and more. It’s even got a couple of jokes thrown in there clearly for adults, but they’re not bad sex jokes that will go over your kids’ heads, they’re just funny references that will make you say “hey wait a second, did that voice on the tape that girl was listening to just say... ” and then it will move on to the next joke. You would have to be the bitterest, Ebenezer Scrooge clone not to laugh hard at least 5 or 6 times during the film.

    A technical element that really impressed me was how good the movie looked. This movie made me realize that there’s something about bears that I really like. They’re kind of like big lumpy cats with short tails that can stand up on their hind legs, and Paddington is by far the most adorable one I’ve seen in a long time. It’s clear that this marmalade-lover is a computer-generated creation, but it really does look fantastic, like you could be fooled into thinking that they actually did train a small Peruvian bear to walk around on set... if it wasn’t for the red hat and the fact that he talks. I really was blown away by how convincing he was.

    2015 is going to be filled with all kinds of big special effects movies that I’m sure a lot of children are going to go see. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not criticizing parents who will take their kiddies to “Jurassic World” or “Avengers 2” because those are going to be great-looking movies that are probably going to be a lot of fun. If I was a kid I would think the greatest thing in the world would be seeing big budget blockbusters at the theatre. What I am saying is that it’s important to have a balance. Being a kid is also about being able to watch a nice quiet movie that’s inoffensive, funny and very sweet and be able to enjoy it. There’s something very special about a movie like “Paddington” because it is wittily written, earnest and charming. As an adult I would have had a great time seeing it even without my ten-year-old nephew sitting next to me. Seeing it with him though, I felt like we really had something special going on, a new warm memory to share together and a new friend in the form of this sweet bear in his red hair and blue coat. This is a film that is terribly earnest and doesn’t cheapen out or compromise, and that most of all, is probably what I liked about it. Paddington and the Browns are more than enough appeal. There was no need to have anyone shout “Say Hello to my LITTLE FRIEND! ” or inject any type of pop culture references and for this, I really feel like this is the kind of movie that will truly stand the test of time, much like the books it’s based on.

    Even though there were a few tiny jokes here and there that made me wince a bit, I enjoyed myself so much that I would be eager to see the movie again, or see another story with these characters. I really think this movie is special in the same way that those “Winnie the Pooh” movies I saw when I was younger (And that I’ve come to love as an adult) is special. Do not make the mistake of missing out on “Paddington” because this charming bear totally won me over and it’s sure to melt your heart too. As I sat there in the theatre laughing and smiling at this delightful little film it dawned on me that I really loved it. (Theatrical version on the big screen, February 6, 2015)

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    adamwatchesmovies@  20.2.2015 age: 26-35 2,890 reviews

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    6 - Not bad, could be much better
    5 - So so, okay if you don't pay
    4 - Not good, even if you don't pay
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