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    Are We Done Yet?


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    I suppose it’s worth noting that “Are We Done Yet? ” is better than the first movie in the “series” (2005’s “Are We There Yet? ”) but even then, there’s not much of a reason to actively seek out and watch this film. As you might have expected from the end of the first picture, Nick Persons (Ice Cube, proving once again that he’s not very attached to his tough guy attitude as long as he gets paid) has married Suzanne (Nia Long) and is now the stepfather to Kevin (Philip Daniel Bolden) and Lindsey (Aleisha Allen) For some unexplainable reasons, the entire family has moved into Nick’s apartment instead of the house Suzanne and her children were living in the previous film and they have adopted a huge dog. Nick has also sold his sports collectibles store and is now following the dream he’s had all along: publishing a sports magazine (Maybe that was in the director’s cut) When Suzanne informs him that she’s pregnant with twins, Nick decides that it’s time to go. He leaves these leeches and never looks back! Ok, that’s not the case, unfortunately. Instead, they move to the country and buy a house that turns out to be a total piece of junk. Now the repairs required and the bills are piling up and it’s making Nick increasingly frustrated, which is leading to the family being torn apart!

    On the positive side, the jokes in this film are less obvious and the children less annoying than they were in 2005. I guess you could also say that Nia Long has a bigger role and the overall plot is better (Which I attribute to this being based on the previously existing film “Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House”) Nevertheless, the jokes here are still far from what I would call clever. Most of the comedy concerns Ice Cube getting angry at the repairs that are taking place, him getting hit in the head or falling over when he finds yet another spot that is badly rotted or needs to be patched up. There are plenty of would-be funny moments in which Nick is bewildered to find that Chuck, his multi-talented neighbour (played by John C. McGinley) has yet another job. The story arc overall is pretty predictable, with the kids not wanting to go to the country because for Lindsey, there won’t be any cute boys there (guess if she’ll find at least one before the movie is over) and Kevin being scared of the outdoors (do you think he’ll conquer that fear at some point? ) We’ve also got the drama with the babies coming around and Suzanne being upset that Nick isn’t there to support her because of the repairs (you’d think Nick would have learned his lesson with the first two demon children Suzanne gave birth to and learned to use some birth control) We’ve also got this running plot about Nick struggling with material for his dream magazine. You could say it’s JAM PACKED! With stuff that’s not very interesting.

    I guess “Are We Done Yet? ” is harmless enough, but it’s not really that funny unless you’re really little, not really that dramatic or difficult to predict unless you’ve seen very few films and overall not that original. I liked it better than the first one for what it’s worth, so if you thought “Are We There Yet? ” was awesome, then you’re going to love this.

    As a grown man cursed to always watch a film all the way to the end, no matter how much it doesn’t appeal to me, I’ll admit this was a breath a fresh air compared to stinkers such as “Dune” or “In the Name of the King”. Despite this, I can’t really recommend it, even as family entertainment. Unless you just loved the first one and are able to suspend your disbelief (because of the fact that Suzanne had a huge house in that first film and it’s inexplicably gone), then you’ll eat this up like a bowl of ice cream covered with sprinkles. The reason for me not being able to recommend it is that these cheap family comedies are a dime a dozen and they don’t really do anything for the family. They don’t create lasting memories or contain memorable laughs, impactful lessons or anything that stimulating otherwise. Sure, it’s harmless but that’s not enough to make “Are We Done Yet? ” legitimately good. (On Dvd, July 26, 2014)

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    adamwatchesmovies@  3.8.2015 age: 26-35 2,887 reviews

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