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    Crazy, Stupid, Love.


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    “Crazy, Stupid, Love” stumbles here and there but the cast is very likeable and it juggles the characters, stories, humor and drama well. Steve Carell plays Cal Weaver, a middle-aged father of two who learns that his wife has been cheating on him and wants a divorce. The movie then introduces us to Jacob Palmer (Ryan Gosling) an expert womanizer who tries to pick up Hannah (Emma Stone) Hannah doesn’t fall for his usual bag of tricks and returns to her fiancé, who she is expecting to propose anytime. Cal, upset over the revelations of his wife’s affair meets Jacob at the bar, where the pickup artist decides to take Cal under his wing. Intermixed with these stories we also follow Cal’s wife Emily (Julianne Moore) as she tries to turn her affair into a relationship (much to the dismay of her teenaged son) and a sub-plot that involves the Weaver’s babysitter Jessica (Analeigh Tipton) who finds herself swept up in her own awkward romance, one that includes an unwanted crush, naked photos and attempted seductions.

    There is a lot going on in this film and following all of the different plots is part of the fun. While some of these people get little development (the Weavers have a young daughter that adds little to the plot and Marisa Tomei might as well be an animated cartoon) most are pretty well developed and feel realistic. Nearly everyone is going through emotionally intense times and as the plot progresses, they grow and change. There are so many stories to follow that it’s hard to imagine someone in the audience not relating to at least one of them. It sounds daunting, but I have to give credit to writer Dan Fogelman here, he makes everyone very distinct and the way the stories are handled, there’s any confusion about who is who. It helps that the casting is very good. Carell, Gosling and Stone particularly stand out in their roles. Even when they’re doing things you might necessarily like or agree with, you’ll find them endearing.

    The film has that kind of humor that’s close to the way real life is funny but just pushed a little bit up the comedy scale to get those extra laughs. This is not a gross-out sex comedy; it’s sweeter and more down-to-earth. When the humor does go into broader territory is when it doesn’t work and feels forced. Case and point a big confusion-induced brawl at the end of the film that belongs in a different movie. Most of the time it’s that right mix of funny and sweet. There’s plenty of sparks between the couples and good chemistry between the guys.

    It falls just short of being a great romantic comedy but with some genuine moments of romance and a lot of good laughs there’s a lot to like. The talented cast really makes the film as good as it is and for that, Crazy, Stupid, Love earns itself a good recommendation. (On DVD, August 2013)

    (On DVD, August 2013)

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    adamwatchesmovies@  5.9.2016 age: 26-35 2,891 reviews

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    9 - Excellent movie, a must see
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    7 - Good movie, worth seeing
    6 - Not bad, could be much better
    5 - So so, okay if you don't pay
    4 - Not good, even if you don't pay
    3 - Poor movie, not recommended
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