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    Love & Friendship


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    I have not ready much Jane Austen. Ok, to be honest, I haven’t ready any. But after seeing this latest, delightful adaptation of “Lady Susan”, one in a series of great films based on the author’s works, I think I have to. “Love & Friendship” is funny, witty, charming and gorgeous. Feel intimidated by a period piece set in the late 18th century? Don’t worry. I was too, but you don’t have to be. I’ve got some tips so that you can go in, have a great time and show off how cultured you can be to your friends.

    In England, the recently widowed, attractive Lady Susan Vernon (Kate Beckinsale) is on the prowl to find a husband for her daughter Frederica (Morfydd Clark), and a new one for herself. Arriving at the estate of her brother-in-law, Charles Vernon, it seems unlikely that anyone will be able to stand in her way, despite the best efforts of Charles’ wife, Lady Catherine Vernon (Emma Greenwell)

    I liked this film when I saw it initially, but my enjoyment increased significantly once I got home and did a bit of “homework”. Normally, I’d take points away from a film for this reason, but not here. Director Whit Stillman knows that there are many characters to keep track of and pulls out every trick in the book to help the audience. Characters constantly refer to each other in a fashion that makes it easy to remember who is married to whom, what eligible bachelor is being lured in by Lady Susan, who lives where and what is what. You even get on-screen titles describing who everyone is at the beginning of the picture and during the end credits too. Unless you’re like me and your brain is like a sack of old soggy potatoes, I don’t think you’ll have any trouble following the story. If you think you will, read some of the characters’ descriptions and you will be able to instantly recognize everyone, know what they’re talking about and be able to keep up with all of the laughs this picture has to deliver.

    It’s worth putting in the effort. This is a terrific comedy with a great cast. I know that like me, you’ve been drooling over Kate Beckinsale in those “Underworld” movies as she jumps around, doing backflips and shooting werewolves in the face. She’s never been sexier than here. Lady Susan is smarter, sharper, and more insightful than anyone around her. She shamelessly toys with, and leads the dim-witted men around like a bunch of near-sighted dogs, much to the anger of her romantic rivals. You admire her craftiness, the way she flirts her way through numerous situations. This picture plays out almost like a heist film. The prize? A husband for Frederica and Lady Susan. The defenses? Society’s restrictions on women. The guards? Lady Catherine and her friends. You’ll see all of these elaborate barriers and plots set up to keep things from going “wrong” when suddenly, a new development will pop up and you won’t be able to help but laugh at the absurdity of the situation.

    “Love & Friendship” is anything but dry and stuffy. You’ll love the characters (I found myself particularly fond of the dynamics between Lady Susan and her American friend, Chloë Sevigny as Alicia Johnson) You’ll laugh at the various twists and turns the plot takes. You’ll be drawn in by the story and the dialogue. I almost forgot to mention the production on this film, which is quite spectacular. These costumes and sets, it’s a reenactor's fantasy brought to life. This is a smart picture that’s well directed and it looks great. If you’re intrigued, even the slightest bit, don’t be intimidated. “Love & Friendship” is like a hot date with a girl that is clearly smarter than you are, but doesn’t seem to mind. (Theatrical version on the big screen, June 25, 2016)

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    adamwatchesmovies@  27.6.2016 age: 26-35 2,890 reviews

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