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    Though I know the film is based on a memoir by M. Bahari and Aimee Molloy, directed by Jon Stewart who once had Bahari on his show, the whole thing seems to have blown up into some political football... I can't comment on this as I do not know enough about the situation. As a film Rosewater works really quite well. It tries to hide almost nothing. There is so much of which we are informed. A well told narrative with many powerful scenes. Through the history of the journalist/prisoner we come to have a pretty profound idea of Iran and its complex history. In case it slipped you by the name ROSEWATER refers to the torturer, identified only by the scent of that water. Certainly, G. G. Bernal is a fine, seasoned actor, but by 2014 we have long ago taken the step to have people of a certain race play themselves. This has been in evidence for years now. I don't know Iranian actors by name, but I recognize them in films I have seen. Why not go for the real thing? Pretty well my sole objection.

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    pietroantoni@  17.11.2014 age: 36-49 14,629 reviews

    Perhaps if an Iranian actor had played this role he would have ended up in prison too. If Bahari was imprisoned for taking some film footage in error, I think an actor taking a job which meant he would criticize the Iranian regime in a "foreign" film, would certainly have him locked up.

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    frankeogh@  20.11.2014 age: 50+

    There are many people of Iranian descent who live outside Iran, and some can act :)

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    sm1969@  6.12.2014 age: 36-49 16 reviews

    You are quite right on this, no question about it. Deepa Mehta in her last film used an Iranian actor but one who resides in England and is a U. K. citizen. This has been the case more than a few times. I should have specified that the actors are not usually residents of Iran. Many Arts folks and intellectuals as well have fled that accursed country years ago. One can't express anything of one's Art in such a régime. I, personally, as a U of T prof would never be able to tolerate anything from that region let alone reside in the Middle East especially as I am very outspoken on almost everything! Good tidings!

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    pietroantoni@  28.11.2014 age: 36-49 14,629 reviews

    Good review... re: your complaint, though... You do know that the point of acting is playing someone that you're not, right?

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    clan.kinraithe@  28.11.2014 age: 36-49

    Quite right about that but with race in this day and age, everyone is so touchy about it being the REAL thing. As to Middle East Actors, they would be taking a big risk in such a political film. Deepa Mehta and others use Iranian actors or what is called for with actors who reside abroad, especially in the U. K. My parents used to tell me how ridiculous it was for Americans or English to be playing Japanese roles or whatever the nationality. Other than blatant racism, I agree an actor should be up to play anything thrown at him or her.

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    pietroantoni@  28.11.2014 age: 36-49 14,629 reviews

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