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    The Blind Side


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    Loved this movie. Shows what really living out your faith means. This family practiced "loving thy neighbor". Sandra Bullock did a great job as did many of the other main characters. Didn't rely on CGI or FX, but simply the power of a life story. Enjoy the show!

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    jdjefford@  24.11.2009 age: 36-49 555 reviews

    You don't have to be in a religion to "love thy neighbor", just a good morale human being. Why do we equate anything good with the "power of faith" and we leave the bad as "God's mysterious ways". Good people do good thing, religious or not. I do however agree with your review, great film and a great example of the way it should be, always.

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    north_powell@  24.11.2009 age: 36-49 2 reviews

    Thank you for your reply. I know this may sound strange, but I'm not into religion (actually detest most of what goes on in the name of religion) I am into GOD and Jesus Christ (you're may be thinking, "what's the difference" (or just semantics) My question to you, if there is "no god" then why seek or do good at all? To be morale? Good and evil have no meaning without GOD. They are man made ideas that are relative. If there is no god, let's do whatever we want (who cares if you or any court judges me), I'm gonna die and go into an existence of nothing. There is no purpose to doing good. The idea of goodness without GOD works the same way as (badness) evil without GOD. Faith (belief) in GOD gives us reason for our existence, future, purpose and why we seek to do good. It's GOD that put those ideas to do good inside us to follow. That's my belief and opinion. The film only hints at the motivation of this family. Love, faith and belief in GOD were a main component. If religion (so called, god's people) have offended you or made you turned off by GOD, I apologize for that. Thanks again for replying. Glad you enjoyed the film.

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    jdjefford@  25.11.2009 age: 36-49 555 reviews

    Why do you feel that someone else should restrict their comments simply because they do not share your religious viewpoints? And yes you are in a religion, whether you want to accept it or not... everyone has "faith" in something, even if that something is nothing. Maybe you should be a little considerate of others next time. And the upcoming holiday is CHRISTMAS! You are free to call it whatever you want, but don't expect me to hold back calling it that just to please you!

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    ddjb83@  25.11.2009

    I never asked anyone to restrict their comments, I only provided feedback to someone's opinion, just as you have done when commenting on my post. I often find that people who so easily feel pursecuted by comments not "in line with their beliefs" do so because any direct, logical and open discussion would reveal fundamental flaws in their reasoning. They therefore choose the tried and true method of regurgitating the popular talking points such as "I wish people a Merry Christmas, not Happy Holidays" to cater acquire support from the countless other "believers" without whom their entire religious beliefs and dare I say it," raison d'être" would be as credible as the last election in Iran. As far as everyone having faith in something, even if that something is nothing, that carries as much logic as your belief in a man made religion, you know, the one that really caught on. Having faith in nothing? I wonder how that sermon would go? I LOVE CHRISTMAS and I have explained to my children all about Jesus Christ, a man who lived 2000 years ago and who's humanity is an example to aspire to. When they are old enough to understand, I will teach them about all religions, evolution, humanity (with all the animal instincts that come with it) and let them decide what they believe. I'll explain how man came to be, how in the past, we lacked the ability to understand certain things and we created gods to explain/cope with them and as we and our ability to explain these occurences evolved, those gods became mythology and we grew up. The only real issue left is mortality and since we cannot prove what happens when we die (cease to exist like any other animal) we have one god left over. I don't have to prove the existence of oxygen to convince you it exists but then again, death is a more touchy subject, there has to be something. If I were to ever loose a child, I would want nothing more than to believe they are in a better place. I don't know if I could go on if not for my other children and can see the value of this illusion to enable humanity to go on, even with such horrible and injust events. Kind of like the Matrix in a way, which world would you choose? If it were for just this part, religion would be great. But it is religion that creates most of these horrible events, wars, intolerance, terrorism, rasicm, so I prefer loosing a little bit of my innocence if it means keeping someone else's existence intact. And that my friend is the true meaning of humanity and it cannot exist side by side with religion. So there you go, Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, Kwanzaa, New Year and whatever else will make you enjoy today because one day, there will not be a tomorrow. I would rather know it now than when it's too late.

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    north_powell@  26.11.2009 age: 36-49 2 reviews

    I struggle everyday with exactly with the thoughts you just conveyed. Nature is harsh and we are just the same as any other living thing on this planet except we have the ability to reason beyond our instincts. Without our intellect, religion and the God concept would never have existed and it is because of our ability to process information and emotion that we have created these coping mechanisms. You are right, the world would go down the drain if we were to eliminate faith but whatever would remain would better understand their existence and that of others and respect life in a way we cannot contemplate. If it is an illusion, should the potential consequences of that new reality dictate if we should acknowledge the truth or continue living the lie? It may serve us to do so since we live in the best most just country in the world but what of others? The silent majority who live and die based on the jugdment of those in power? What of muslim women, jews, palestinians, would they be better served by continuing to be different from each other or the same? Would life have more value to them if they knew that was it? How many suicide bombers would there be if not for an afterlife? I'm lucky, I have a great life and know I live in a sheltered country. I have very little need for "something to believe in" although they day will come when I will crave for a reason, whether my own eminant demise of that of a loved one. But will I convince myself of a reality that doesn't exist for the sake of feeling better? I can take drugs for that if I wanted to and being of Christian decent, would have to deal with a lot less guilt. I'm good to my fellow man without the need for a reason. I would risk my life for another, try to make the world a better place whenever I can. Why? Because I see the value of being good to people and to myself. I see it in the relationships I have, the joy I can bring to a situation and I know that it does ripple beyond my scope of understanding and provides for results I cannot estimate. If all people understood the frailty of their existence, if all people could see the benefit of their goodwill, the ripples they create and the impact of the ripples of others, we would have reason to celebrate, all of us, not just the fortunate few. So, to make a long story short (I know, too late), I can see why people want to believe. I have felt and sometimes still feel the abyss created by a lack of faith in a more powerful and understanding entity. But I also see the kindness of my children, who have never been to church and who do not subscribe in any other philosophy than the one they live everyday which is to be good to others, don't take things too seriously except for serious things, and laugh, a lot. I promise you they will turn out to be good people with an understanding that their lives are precious and so are everyone elses.

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    north_powell@  26.11.2009 age: 36-49 2 reviews

    North Powell - Wow, you sure have some major issues on your plate. And what's with the novel, I got where you are coming from in the first sentence. Education is a scary thing in the wrong hands.

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    djprod@  4.12.2009

    I stopped my formal education after sec 5 although a lack of education is even scarier. And if you got what I said in the first sentences, you didn't get much. Ignorance is indeed bliss.

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    north_powell@  7.12.2009 2 reviews

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