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    The Egg and I


    Reviewed by

    This is a gloriously comic film about leaving city life and taking up the country life even though the country life poses a million and one problems. The situations are hysterical and they literally occur one after the other. It's all very amusing, complete mayhem, but wonderful mayhem! Had all those things happened to me, I would have hightailed it back to the city in a jiff. Claudette Colbert and Fred MacMurray are a perfectly cast couple trying to get used to the rustic way of life... and they do stick it out for better or worse.

    The film was a gigantic hit back in 1947 and deservedly so. One very big reason for the film's success is that it introduced Marjorie Main and Percy Kilbride as MA + PA KETTLE for the very first time on screen. Marjorie Main who had done a great deal of dramatic work in film is positively a hoot as Ma Kettle as is the Pa of Mr. Kilbride. The success of this odd couple with their 8 brats in the Egg and I led to a franchise of films that lasted well into the fifties, the entire series coming to an end with the death of Percy Kilbride. There were at least 6 or 7 Ma and Pa Kettle films made after 1947. I've seen a few. They are just plain fun. Take a look at such a different time and era! Man has our life style changed in absolutely every respect. Is it possible the world was ever like that!!!

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    pietroantoni@  4.8.2015 age: 36-49 14,633 reviews

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    10 - A masterpiece, go, see it now
    9 - Excellent movie, a must see
    8 - Great movie, don't miss it
    7 - Good movie, worth seeing
    6 - Not bad, could be much better
    5 - So so, okay if you don't pay
    4 - Not good, even if you don't pay
    3 - Poor movie, not recommended
    2 - Very bad, forget about it
    1 - Worst ever, avoid at all costs

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