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    The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies


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    Seeing “The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies” again confirms the film's issues but I like it more now than I did initially. It’s grandiose and epic, with terrific special effects and big, exciting action sequences. As a concluding chapter, it's emotional. Story-wise, it’s also the weakest of the three Hobbit movies, with an inconsistent tone and some clumsy bits towards the conclusion.
    The story begins where it left off, with the dragon Smaug (Benedict Cumberbatch) attacking Laketown. After the threat is dispatched, Bilbo (Martin Freeman) is caught in the ensuing conflict between the free people of Middle-Earth as Thorin Oakenshield (Richard Armitage) becomes consumed by his greed. While they squabble, the Necromancer’s armies begin marching towards the riches of Erebor.
    If you’re catching this movie to hear Benedict Cumberbatch as Smaug/The Necromancer, you'll be disappointed. Neither characters are in the film a whole lot. This leads me to this movie and the trilogy as a whole's biggest flaw. I reserved judgment on whether a single book could be split into three movies and serve as both a film adaptation of Tolkien’s “The Hobbit” and a prequel to “The Lord of the Rings”. Now, I’d say there was enough material to make two films, but not three.
    "TBotFA" is juggling two very different tones. We have a serious story full of danger, bloodshed, and crumbling allegiances but the heroes of this story are often silly, whimsical characters from a different world altogether. Battles alternate between heart-wrenching and dramatic to goofy, as characters suddenly defy gravity or take down villains with little more than rocks. You can tell there wasn’t much story left which means we director Peter Jackson had to insert many long battles to make this a full-length picture. Often, it feels as though a smaller conflict would've worked better. More time spent focussing on individuals fighting and moments of emotion instead of legions of orcs, elves, humans, and dwarves slicing each other up.
    Being the 6th trip to Middle Earth, you'd think we'd seen it all by now but this adventure proves there's still plenty more to explore. We’ve never witnessed an army of dwarves before, or a battle with a dragon and there are plenty of other new monsters and locations showcased. While it is a prequel, the fate of many of these characters is unknown so there is tension, particularly in the calm before the storm when we see Thorin's descent into all-consuming darkness.
    This third “Hobbit” compliments the LOTR trilogy well, tying the two stories together and providing good action in terms of scale and spectacle without overshadowing the events to come. If you have the fortune of watching these films in chronological order, you'll see a great progression in terms of sweeping character arcs and an escalation in the threats encountered and battles fought.
    In addition to the criticisms previously listed, I'd also single out some bad dialogue towards the end of the film and missed opportunities in terms of character arcs - particularly Tauriel (Evangeline Lilly) and Kíli (Aidan Turner). The flaws are there but this is not a bad movie.  Ultimately, it's enjoyable. Even more so if you've seen “The Desolation of Smaug” recently. That high you get from seeing Smaug take flight will get you excited and that adrenaline will allow you to fully immerse yourself in the drama which follows, leading all the way to the satisfying final showdown between the heroes and the villains. “Battle of the Five Armies” is flawed, but will please those who have been along for the ride. (Theatrical version on the big screen, December 30, 2014)

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    adamwatchesmovies@  22.12.2014 age: 26-35 2,890 reviews

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