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    The Jungle Book


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    I’ve seen “The Jungle Book” twice now and my excitement hasn’t diminished one bit. It’s an exciting, well-acted, captivating story, a remake that manages to have it’s own identity and also delicately balance call backs to the original animated film and the Rudyard Kipling’s literary works. See it in 3D! It utilizes the technology in a way that makes it worth your while from the very first shot.

    Found alone in the jungles of India, Mowgli (Neel Sethi) was raised by wolves. When the dreaded tiger Shere Khan (voiced by Idris Elba), announces that he will kill the man-cub, it is decided that Mowgli should go live in a nearby human village. Panther Bagheera (voiced by Ben Kingsley) accompanies the boy towards the world of man, but their journey is filled with danger.

    What I like about this film is that you can enjoy it as a whole or you can inspect every individual element and marvel at it from a technical standpoint. The performances from Neel Sethi and the adults who grant the animal characters life are terrific. I don’t recommend that you close your eyes at any point because the visuals are so good, but if you just listen to the voices, you just know what animal the actors are portraying. Ben Kingsley: regal, sleek and wise but fierce. Elba: massive, intimidating, cruel and brimming with rage, but also charismatic. You listen to Lupita Nyong’o and know she’s Mowgli’s wolf mother. I can just picture Bill Murray, covered in fur licking his lips sleepily over the taste of honey. I have always felt uneasy about talking animal movies. When it’s animated they’re fine because you can have them do all kinds of non-animal things. When it’s voice over though? It’s just lame. The actors can do their best but you know half the time they just feel silly pretending to be a dog that’s got a mind of its own. Here, the illusion of giving these animals voices isn’t simply done by giving Scarlet Johansson as Kaa a bunch of elongated ‘sss’ sounds or a string of lame puns either. In some instances you can even recognize the actors in the way the animals look or move, even when their behaviour is decidedly animal-like.

    The special effects are so good, and Neel Sethi seems so natural interacting with green screens, cues from director John Favreau and whatever place holders they had for the animals that you are fully immersed in this adventure. What an adventure it is too. I like that this film is a story filled with peril around every corner for our young hero. There’s a lot of varied action and genuine threats, some which might be too intense for very little children. I recommend you bring them to the movie, just have a talk with your pups ahead of time to remind them that there’s no need to be worked up about this story, no matter how intimidating Christopher Walken as King Louie is. I can’t think of anyone I wouldn’t recommend the film to.

    Sometimes this remake does force the call backs to the classic a bit too much, but it’s brief and they still work. Plus we’d all be complaining if we DIDN’T get small hints of those classic songs from the Sherman Brothers so let’s not look a gift horse in the mouth. It’s a nice companion piece to that original and it stands on its own as well. When I got my ticket from the box office I was certain that the clock on it was wrong. I’m amazed at how much action and adventure is packed with the 105 –minute running time. You’ve got all of these different locations, exciting characters and memorable sequences. “The Jungle Book” is great. It’s a movie you can watch multiple times and always see something new. See this one in 3D and on the big screen. (3D theatrical version on the big screen, May 8, 2016)

    HelpfulNot helpful  Reply
    adamwatchesmovies@  14.5.2016 age: 26-35 2,891 reviews

    Wow beautifully written critique!! Now u really make me want to watch it! Cheers!

    HelpfulNot helpful Reply
    sonia@  17.5.2016 age: 26-35

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