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    The Rundown


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    The first time I saw "The Rundown", I was only moderately amused. Other people liked it and I could see why but it wasn't for me. Seeing it again, I’m struggling to figure out what was wrong with me. This film is a lot of fun - and no, my heightened enjoyment didn't come from lowered expectations.

    Dwayne Johnson (still being credited as “The Rock” here) plays a bounty hunter named Beck. He wants out of the business so he's given one last assignment, with the promise of an extra-large paycheck once the job is done. His mission is to retrieve his boss' son Travis (Seann William Scott) from a small mining town in Brazil. This proves more difficult than expected. Not only does Travis not want to go, but he's also mixed up with a local crime lord (Christopher Walken).

    While today Dwayne Johnson is a big star, it must've been a shocker to see how good he is here. His most notable film roles prior were in “The Mummy Returns” (in which he has no lines) and the lame spinoff “The Scorpion King”. This picture shows what he has to offer in spades: great on-screen presence, decent acting chops, solid comedic timing, and the potential to be more than just a big barbarian-type in fantasy or sci-fi films.

    Then you pair him up with Seann William Scott. With anyone else, this would've been a throwaway, who cares kinda movie. Together, they elevate it to a higher level. They're consistently funny and the inevitable direction their grudging relationship goes is believable, particularly once they confront Christopher Walken’s character, Cornelius Bernard Hatcher. There are points where the gags get a bit sophomoric, like a scene where the two have to fend off some horny monkeys, but otherwise, this is solid stuff.

    Mixed in with the comedy are ample combat and sequences of peril. The highlight has to be a battle between Beck and some rope-swinging Brazillian rebels. This scene pits the swiftness and agility of these nimble fighters against the brute force of a behemoth like Beck. It makes for some cool visuals and will satisfy those who want to see their wrestling hero kick major butt. You can also look forward to the whip-totting minions Hatcher keeps with him at all times. We’ve seen guys with guns before (wait until you see Beck dual-wielding shotguns). We’ve seen people with knives or swords before. People with whips though? There’s so much you can do with that kind of weapon but you'll only find out after seeing this film.

    Whenever the action comes in, the film really shines. The comedy works surprisingly well too. Walken makes a great villain. Dwayne Johnson was destined to be a likable hero. He plays well with his co-star Seann William Scott, who bridges the gap between the two genres. Rosario Dawson is enjoyable in a small role."The Rundown" is a lot better than you'd expect it to be. If you weren't charmed by it the first time, trust me, it’s worth another look. (Full-screen version On DVD, September 13, 2015)

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    adamwatchesmovies@  29.6.2015 age: 26-35 2,888 reviews

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    10 - A masterpiece, go, see it now
    9 - Excellent movie, a must see
    8 - Great movie, don't miss it
    7 - Good movie, worth seeing
    6 - Not bad, could be much better
    5 - So so, okay if you don't pay
    4 - Not good, even if you don't pay
    3 - Poor movie, not recommended
    2 - Very bad, forget about it
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