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    The Secret Life of Pets


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    “The Secret Life of Pets” is perfectly serviceable family-friendly entertainment. When I first saw the trailer, I saw a bunny voiced by Kevin Hart cackling so hard he dumps a load of brown rabbit pellets all over the floor. I saw it as sign that I should keep my expectations low, but there was no need. That easy joke does not reflect the overall quality of this film.

    A terrier named Max (voiced by Louis C. K.) is horrified when his dog-loving owner brings home a mammoth hound named Duke (Eric Stonestreet) Jealous, Max attempts to get rid of this new pet and the two of them wind up alone, without collars desperate to find their way back home. Their absence does not go unnoticed, as Max’s various animal friends (who include dogs, cats and birds voiced by Lake Bell, Bobby Moynihan, Hannibal Buress, Jenny Slate and Albert Brooks) go out looking for him encountering a group of human-hating former pets, led by Snowball (Kevin Hart), along the way.

    There’s a good selection of gags throughout “The Secret Life of Pets”, the best of which come from the talented animators perfectly capturing the behaviour of the various domesticates. Whether it’s a dog barking madly at a squirrel it can’t possibly reach or a cat getting frustrated at a mousey toy caught on its paw, you’ll always find something to smile at. If you’ve got a pet yourself it’s hard not to laugh due to the overabundance of background gags.

    You’ll also appreciate the writing. Yeah there’s a villain in the form of a disgruntled former magician’s rabbit, but the plot is really about a bunch of characters moving in different directions, trying to find each other amidst the perils of the big city. It makes for a slew of gags and some thrilling action scenes during the climax. “The Secret Life of Pets” has genuine ambitions and a good share of memorable scenes that you’ll be pleasantly playing back in your head long after the credits are over (there’s an auditory gag at the end of said credits, so stick around)

    Initially, I wasn’t going to comment on the look of the film. Pretty much every single computer animated children’s movie features terrific visuals nowadays (“Norm of the North” is the exception, but who saw that movie anyway? ) I changed my mind. There are some notable praises to give. What I like about this film is that it gives these different pets distinct looks. Combined with talented voice work from the cast, these animals feel lively and generate excitement when they’re on screen. I even found myself getting attached to them thanks to a developing relationship between Max and Duke.

    What prevents me from being overly enthusiastic about the film, and may I remind you that I found it quite enjoyable, is the fact that it feels very familiar. It’s pleasant, but needed a little more imagination when it came to the premise. As is, I’m getting a lot of flashbacks to “Toy Story”, but with dogs instead of Woody and Buzz. It’s not the same plot, but there are many familiar beats. I don’t feel that this film will age nearly as well as the Pixar classic. On the upside, this film comes with a little bonus. Make sure you show up on time for the show, as you’ll be treated with a bonus short film featuring those yellow chicken nuggets you love, the Minions. I appreciate that little extra.

    It’s been a good year for animated films. “Finding Dory”, “Zootopia”, “Kung Fu Panda 3”, even “Angry Birds” wound up being significantly better than it had any right to be. The competition is tough so I won’t call “The Secret Life of Pets” one of the best animated pictures of 2016, but it’s very enjoyable. Your kids are likely to be excited from the trailers; you might even be itching to see it yourself. I say go for it. “The Secret Life of Pets” is an animated film with appeal for both adults and children. (Theatrical version on the big screen, July 17, 2016)

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    adamwatchesmovies@  20.7.2016 age: 26-35 2,891 reviews

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