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    Warm Bodies


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    "Warm Bodies" is more than just a new spin on zombie films, it's also a pretty sweet love story with some interesting characters and an interesting take on the "Romeo and Juliet" type of romance. It’s a great date movie because when things get scary you can hold your significant other real tight and then that sweetness comes in so that grip of terror turns into something else…

    Set some time after a zombie apocalypse, our main character is “R” (Nicholas Hoult) He’s a walker who does what zombies do. He shambles around aimlessly grunting, living a cheap parody of his past life (their brains are deteriorated so their memories aren’t very good) When he encounters Julie (Teresa Palmer) and her friends, it’s feeding time. R devours the brains of her boyfriend and it awakens something inside of him. Suddenly he’s not after Julie’s brains, he’s after her heart.

    Some fans of George A. Romero’s classics will dismiss “Warm Bodies” from the premise alone. They'll say "I can get down with the zombies eating people, but I don't know about this love stuff. They made vampires into shiny dandies, and now this?!" I say calm down. If brain eating, living corpses that walk the earth are what you're looking for, there's a lot of that going on here. At the beginning, you're not really supposed to like the undead and it can get pretty freaky seeing them aimlessly roaming, looking for flesh to devour. There are scary ghouls present. What I think horror fans will like about it is that the movie brings something new to the genre. This romantic horror comedy sheds some insight on how the “lives” of these creatures work. What do they do during the day, why they eat flesh? What goes on in their rotting skulls? Even though most of the dialogue from these guys is just grunting and moaning, they still manage to get a personality so they're more than just legions of grave crawlers there to pose an obstacle for the living protagonists, they actually feel like characters that are important to the plot. Don't worry about them all being nice and friendly either, there are some genuinely "bad" brain eaters here you won't want to give a hug to.

    Not into the zombie thing? Maybe the "Romeo and Juliet" aspect will intrigue you. Think those two lovers had it rough? At least the Capulets didn't eat the Montague's brains! We get some good drama and some pretty good chemistry as the couple bonds and learn to live and trust each other. It’s not just a regular torn romance because neither of them is sure if whatever this is will work, and neither do you. As an audience member, you cheer for both people for different reasons, while still thinking to yourself that at any moment, the whole thing could end in tragedy. The love plot feels genuine and the conflicts that emerge around it feel like they make sense. Unlike those bad romantic comedies you've seen before, the characters act logically and there aren't any stupid misunderstandings that could be solved if everyone sat down and talked. Even if R could talk it wouldn’t be the case.

    Originality isn't the only good thing it's got going for it though. The characters are fun and memorable, the acting is good, there are some big laughs and moments that will warm your heart. The makeup is convincing without being too grotesque (so just in that middle of being nasty and being too subtle) Because of the romance element thrown in you get the best parts of a horror film of this genre without having to go through the clichés. You'll be happy to see these characters interact with each other because the movie takes the time to develop their personalities and relationships. It's a smart, well-made movie that's actually trying something different. You should take a chance like the people who put "Warm Bodies" together did and go for the zom-rom-com; you'll be glad you did. (Theatrical version on the big screen, February 21, 2013)

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    adamwatchesmovies@  12.11.2015 age: 26-35 2,890 reviews

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