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    Central Intelligence


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    “Central Intelligence” is better than I thought it was going to be. That doesn’t mean it’s necessarily good. This film is neither clever nor particularly original but the leads are charismatic, likable and play off each other well. I still can’t recommend it, but it says a lot about both Dwayne Johnson and Kevin Hart that they can make this material work as much as they do.

    Calvin Joyner (Kevin Hart) is debating whether or not to attend his 20-year high school reunion when he suddenly receives a message from Bob Stone (Dwayne Johnson), formerly known as Robbie Weirdicht, the fattest and least popular student to attend Central High. After an evening of catching up, Calvin soon finds himself roped into a CIA investigation to find the terrorist known as the “Black Badger”.

    I have to give credit to Kevin Hart and Dwayne Johnson. When they’re on-screen together, the film is enjoyable. I find that Hart can quickly be becoming irritating, but he’s essentially the straight man here, always cowering at the sight of guns, begging for help to anyone that will listen, getting frustrated by his co-star’s antics. He gets a few digs in here and there, but for the most part, he’s very restrained. That leaves Johnson as the funny man. It’s a smart choice. His character is a walking contradiction and that makes him inherently funny. He’s physically capable of taking down a small army by himself, but also gets giddy at the thought of hanging out with the guy voted “most likely to succeed” in high school. The two have a weird relationship that’s enough to get you to keep watching despite the film’s flaws.

    I just wish these actors had been given a better story to star in. You’ve seen this story time and time again. I figured out the identity of the mysterious “Black Badger” within minutes and no amount of red herrings thrown into the mix diverted me from my accurate conclusion. I don’t want to give things away but in spy action film written at this level, it’s always “that guy” and it proves to me that the story was an afterthought. Honestly, I wish there wasn’t even a plot to this film. The CIA stuff isn’t really all that interesting despite the chases, gunfights, and explosions. What is good are the moments where Calvin and Bob are just hanging out, talking. A scene early in the film where a bunch of thugs confronts the hulking agent makes for great comedy. The way Calvin reacts, the way Bob reacts to Calvin’s reaction, that’s good! When the two discuss high school, whether or not they should attend the reunion, how they’ve changed since then that’s enjoyable, significantly than the dull spy plot.

    There are often times where the film resorts to cheap jokes, and I mean really cheap. Bob Stone was called Robbie Weirdicht as a kid? Pronounced “weird [d...]”? Come on guys. That’s barely a notch above calling your hero “Gaylord Focker”. Jason Bateman has a small role, but he’s playing the same crystallized ton of jerkness he always plays, nothing clever there. Similarly, Danielle Nicolet plays Calvin’s wife, Maggie and her character isn’t given anything to do.

    I suppose there might be one or two memorable scenes in “Central Intelligence”, but you’ve seen them in the trailer already. The film isn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be, but I can’t endorse it, not when there are much better pictures you could see in the theater right now. If you are set on viewing this comedy, wait until it goes to home video. There’s nothing about “Central Intelligence” that demands to be seen on the big screen. (theatrical version on the big screen, June 18, 2016)

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    adamwatchesmovies@  22.6.2016 age: 26-35 2,891 reviews

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    5 - So so, okay if you don't pay
    4 - Not good, even if you don't pay
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