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    G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra


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    “G. I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra” is the definition of a dumb summer blockbuster. If you can manage to turn your brain off there are some good action scenes that will keep you entertained. That’s not a good sign, and means I can only give it a mild recommendation.

    In the near future, a nanotech-based weapon designed to devour everything in its path is stolen by the Cobra organization. With it’s ranks featuring deadly warriors such as ninja Storm Shadow (Byung-Hun Lee), master of disguise Zartan (Arnold Vosloo) and the Doctor (Joseph Gordon-Levitt), can G. I. Joe and it’s newest recruits, Duke (Channing Tatum) and Ripcord (Marlon Wayans) save the day? The odds seem stacked against them, particularly when Duke’s old fiancé, Ana “The Baroness” Lewis (Sienna Miller) appears within Cobra’s ranks.

    If you’re not familiar with the old 80’s Cartoon “G. I. Joe”, it’s ok. You don’t have to be to enjoy the film. If you are, you’ll find numerous references amid the nonsensical action throughout to satisfy the hard core fans. When it comes to the story, there are numerous plot holes throughout. Some characters’ designs make no sense. Take a look at Ray Park as Snake Eyes for example. Setting aside that if you’re a ninja, the worst thing you can do is dress yourself up all in black and giving yourself away as the group’s ninja, why the ridiculous helmet complete with the moulded mouth? Wouldn’t it be really cumbersome? I guess it looks cool so you’re supposed to look past that. Some characters act really questionably. Stormshadow has no problems killing men and in fact does so with distinct glee, but when it comes to women, well he just doesn’t do that. Talk about lame and contrived.

    The action sequences feature impressive effects and the way the stunts are designed and handled are terrific. The highlight is easy a memorable scene in which our heroes Duke and Ripcord put on special “accelerator suits” that allows them to jump through windows, over cars and handle punishment like only real “American Heroes” can. With that said, at times the adrenaline pumping fights get downright silly. A prime example is a scene prominently featuring a jetpack where the Joes are under full-on siege by Cobra. All of the generic minions, the ones who aren’t given any dialogue are wearing full body armour that hides their faces and gives them complete anonymity but the recognizable characters like Baroness wear no armour whatsoever. That’s the power of being a main character. You just know you’re immune to attacks during everything but the climax of the film.

    “G. I. Joe: Rise of Cobra” flips back and forth between good and bad. For every twist that will catch you off guard (including a couple towards the end) there are some silly ones that will have you rolling your head. Anything revolving around Duke’s ex-fiancé Baroness made me groan out loud. You have to be in a forgiving mood to watch this movie. Focus on the cool stuff and do your best to ignore the sequences that would have you shaking your head in disbelief (and I’m not talking about the action. Marlon Wayans getting together with Rachel Nichols? No way. Not when he’s playing the standard black funny buddy) There are many action blockbusters that deliver brains and adrenaline so to call “G. I. Joe” a movie that’s good would be a stretch. If all you want is a series of action sequences with some enjoyable developments throughout and good special effects and you really don’t want to think, this one’s for you. (On DVD, April 30, 2013)

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    adamwatchesmovies@  20.4.2016 age: 26-35 2,891 reviews

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    6 - Not bad, could be much better
    5 - So so, okay if you don't pay
    4 - Not good, even if you don't pay
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