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    "Gooby" is meant for little children and they might enjoy it. I’ve known children to not realize how weird and creepy something is because they’re not as developed intellectually as adults, so it’s possible in theory! Anyone else will get a real chilling feeling out of watching this movie.

    Willy (Matthew Knight) is a lonely boy with an overactive imagination. When his parents decide to move, he makes a new friend in the form of Gooby (voiced by Robbie Coltrane), a teddy bear who is able to grow to the size of a grown man and winds up getting Willy into all sorts of trouble despite his best intentions.

    At few points is the story of “Gooby” interesting or original. Willy has few/no friends and feels like an outcast when he moves into a new home/school. He meets a magical new friend (that he must hide from his parents for comedic purposes) and together they learn to overcome their fears, try new things and he learns how learn to survive in the real world. Sound familiar? You also get the generic bully that's inserted to show how Willy has trouble at school and a goofy authority figure that is trying to snap pictures of Gooby to make quick buck. If you were wondering, yes both parents are working jobs that keep them way too busy to pay any attention to their son (of course) You could write the synopsis to this film without having even seen it.

    If the predictability was he only thing that was wrong with the movie, it would still be passable. You can’t talk about “Gooby” without addressing how creepy it is. Just look at Gooby. To make a creature sympathetic and cute-looking, you need to give it large eyes, not tiny beady ones that don't move. You need to make it seem vulnerable, not towering over it's child friend, looking like it’s ready to eat Willy the instant they get into an argument. It doesn't help that Gooby is given a few questionable moments and lines.  Spoiler alert - click to reveal textAt one point the bear (? ) comments on how it was fun pretending to be Willy's father (right after getting him and his friends into an R-Rated movie) and there's a scene where Gooby drags Willy out of bed in the middle of the night to "show him something important" that just screams awkward. You change the soundtrack of this film to the one from “Halloween” and children would be wetting themselves.

    You can’t help but remove yourself from the action and start asking questions about the logic of this universe. Why is Willy even hiding Gooby from his parents? He's clearly real, eats a ridiculous amount of cookies and is so big that you might as well just tell them what's going on. They’d probably freak out, but it’s a disaster waiting to happen so you might as well try. There are also some basic filmmaking mistakes that make this production look even more questionable.  Spoiler alert - click to reveal textCheck out a scene where we can hear thunder but can also catch a glimpse of the sunny weather through a window.

    Being creepy is the only thing “Gooby” has got going for it. Overall it’s bland, generic and dull. So yes, a strong negative point is all that makes this film stand out and the only reason anyone would ever seek out the film."Gooby" isn't quality entertainment for adults and your children deserve something better than this. There's no reason to recommend it. (On Dvd, March 22, 2013)

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    adamwatchesmovies@  14.2.2016 age: 26-35 2,891 reviews

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    9 - Excellent movie, a must see
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    7 - Good movie, worth seeing
    6 - Not bad, could be much better
    5 - So so, okay if you don't pay
    4 - Not good, even if you don't pay
    3 - Poor movie, not recommended
    2 - Very bad, forget about it
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