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    I, Robot


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    “I, Robot” is a sci-fic summer blockbuster that doesn’t necessarily ask you to turn off your brain when you’re watching it but if you think about it too hard, the seams start to show. The film is set in the near future of 2035, where robotic aides are very common and have revolutionized human life. These robots are governed by the three laws of robotics: “A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm”; “A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the first law” and “A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the first or second law. ” The film follows Will Smith as Detective Spooner. He is called in to investigate the suicide of his friend Dr. Alfred Lannings (James Cromwell), a pioneer in android technology that is largely responsible for the latest model of robots, the NS5, who are about to hit the streets. Lannings has left Spooner a bizarre, cryptic message that hints at something nefarious at work. When Spooner and Dr. Susan Calvin (Bridget Moynahan) discover a self-aware NS5 named Sonny (Alan Tudyk), it confirms that there is something very strange going on.

    I’ll start with what doesn’t work so well with the film and then go on with the positive points. Once the movie is finished, actions taken by some of the characters seem very are questionable. Without giving too much away, there is a more sinister character who lets people/robots live when there is little reason to. It’s an instance where the villain is super smart, but conveniently becomes stupid so the heroes can live to fight against it another day. The movie also has too many characters and subplots. Shia LaBeof plays a kid who we only see for three scenes: one so we can introduce his character a second so we can introduce a conflict with some robots and a third so he can be saved by Spooner. His character could have been merged with Spooner’s grandmother who also only appears in a few scenes and Spooner’s friend and superior Lt. John Bergin (Chi McBride) to create a person the audience would actually care about and a better way to establish some of the character development and exposition in the film. The large cast means several of the characters’ personalities are very broad. Spooner’s hatred of robots at the beginning of the film, when he has no reason to suspect there’s anything nefarious about them just paints him as crazy. Similarly, Calvin begins the film like every other nerdy scientist you see in these detective films, where she always speaks in overlong, complicated scientific phrases just so we can have Spooner say “English please! ”

    The story itself is by no means bad, it just needed some tinkering and tightening. I’ll give you an example. At one point, the movie stops so Detective Spooner can turn to the audience and appear in a commercial. Early on, he’s established as liking old stuff when he shows his grandmother his shoes and tells her that they’re “Converse All stars, vintage 2004” and then goes on to brag about how nice they are. It’s easy to assume that shoes can become collectibles, just like everything else and that a certain brand could be so nice that they are kept in good condition for years. I don’t object to him having them, but why would Spooner wear these 30-year old shoes? Shouldn’t he have them framed or mounted on the wall? And couldn’t the script writer just set up that these were future shoes that LOOK like the ones available in stores now? It’s very clumsy but quick moments like this that bring the movie down a notch.

    On the plus side, the film gets better as it goes along. The excess characters you don’t care about aren’t on-screen very much. There are numerous, varied chase sequences throughout. In some scenes Spooner is on foot, in other he’s in his futuristic car against some overwhelming odds. Towards the end of the movie there are some cool moments on a motorcycle, zipping through the streets. The scenes of combat are well shot and also feature a good variety of match ups. We’ve got Spooner in hand-to-hand combat with robots, humans armed with guns against robots, robots against robots and some scenes with a lot of acrobatics that are dizzying to watch. Thanks to the ample screen time given to Sonny, Spooner and Calvin, we do get to learn more about the characters and genuinely care about them so the perilous moments have weight to them. The special effects are well handled and during the climax there are some genuine moments of uncertainty as to how and if the characters are going to make it out ok. There’s a very well done scene towards the end where Spooner and Sonny have to try and communicate nonverbally that’s very well done. There are even instances where the cinematography becomes particularly impressive, showing off both the combat and the special effects in a manner that makes you wish other films would take note.

    It is a flawed film but because the flaws become less and less numerous as the film goes on, because the ending is as strong as it is, “I, Robot” does warrant a viewing. Even if you can’t get over the points where the story stumbles you will have to admit that the action does get your heart beating quickly. There’s also something to be said about the leads, which are charismatic. Plus, maybe more people will check out Isaac Asimov’s work after seeing the picture. I give “I, Robot” a mild recommendation for big fans of science fiction, a strong recommendation for people that just want to see a summer blockbuster. (Theatrical version on Blu-ray, September 12, 2013)

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    adamwatchesmovies@  5.9.2016 age: 26-35 2,891 reviews

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