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    The School of Rock


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    When a movie gets something perfect, you can’t help but admire it. You find that there’s an unquantifiable quality to it, something that pops off the screen, makes it really special. “School of Rock” is such a film. If you want an example of dead-on, perfect casting, look no further. Lead man Jack Black looks, sounds, and feels like his character in real life and seeing him on the screen is a real delight. Once you realize that the film works outside of just the role, you won’t be able to deny that this is an instantly likable picture.

    Black plays Dewey Finn, a rock-loving loser who impersonates his roommate and takes a job substitute teaching rich kids to pay the rent. In it for the paycheck initially, he finds himself invested in his students when he learns how little they know about rock-'n-roll. When he decides to turn the class into a band, you start to wonder if his objectives are truly selfish, or if he may not be onto something…

    The premise isn't the most original and you can foresee a lot of the film’s developments, but in a way that’s part of the fun. Dewey is a loveable goofball and his enthusiasm for music is infectious. As he teaches the kids about his musical idols you start to admire the fact that while he’s not following the curriculum, at least he knows the material he’s instructing. You come to like him and the kids too. They are very charismatic and real sweethearts. Some of them have their own insecurities and issues and you have no doubt that music will be the key to boosting their self-confidence. It just happens that the lesson is being taught by a fraud, but you shouldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth as they say.

    There's a lot of talent, be it in the acting or in musical terms when it comes to the cast. It's a delight to be along for the ride. You’ll be treated to great tunes, the script contains plenty of good laughs, some sweet moments, and that right dash of "sticking' it to the man" that will have you cheering. For a picture that’s out there, I have to applaud not only the execution, how it manages to find that perfect middle ground, but also the ending. “School of Rock” concludes on the perfect note. It wraps itself up nicely while also acknowledging some of the issues that would be brought up with this scenario. Although there is no sequel (you’ll have to settle for the scenes during the end credits), you'll wish there was. By the time the screen grows black, you've grown attached to all of the characters. Some of the younger actors/actresses are so sweet you will demand to see them again (particularly Miranda Cosgrove as Summer)

    "School of Rock" is that perfect "family" movie, 109 minutes that's a ton of fun to follow, regardless of your age or taste in music. Seeing it you understand the power that the arts have, particularly in young, influential minds and don't be surprised if it lights up a little fire inside you. There are a lot of laughs, a terrific cast, and some downright touching parts too. If you’re in a sour mood, it’s just what the doctor ordered to cheer you right up. (Fullscreen version on Dvd, June 16, 2013)

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    adamwatchesmovies@  5.7.2016 age: 26-35 2,891 reviews

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    10 - A masterpiece, go, see it now
    9 - Excellent movie, a must see
    8 - Great movie, don't miss it
    7 - Good movie, worth seeing
    6 - Not bad, could be much better
    5 - So so, okay if you don't pay
    4 - Not good, even if you don't pay
    3 - Poor movie, not recommended
    2 - Very bad, forget about it
    1 - Worst ever, avoid at all costs

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