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    The Transporter 2


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    Transporter 2 follows in the footsteps of its predecessor: it’s so blatantly dumb and ridiculous that often it’s pure gold, but it’s even better. There’s not much that connects this film from its predecessor but here’s what you need to know: Jason Statham plays Frank Martin, the titular transporter. He’s a mercenary that gets you from point A to point B or transports whatever you need moved for the right price. No questions, no weapons. He’s cold, he’s professional, he’s always on time. He’s a badass ex-soldier (aren’t they all? ) that knows martial arts and drives like no one else can. He strictly follows three rules when pulling a job: “Never change the deal”, “No names” and “Never open the package”. Frank’s taking things easy these days. He’s living in Florida and is doing a friend a favor by driving around the wealthy Billings family. Frank is bonding with the son, Jack (Hunter Clary) and catching the eye of the hot mom Audrey (Amber Valletta) while the no-good father (Matthew Modine) is busy neglecting his family. While bringing Jack to what should be a routine medical checkup, Frank discovers that the doctors have been switched with some goons who kidnap Jack and inject him with a deadly virus. When Frank is pinned as the one responsible for orchestrating the kidnapping, he must track down the villains, take them out and find an antidote for the virus while dodging the police. Lucky for him, his old friend Inspector Tarconi (François Berléand) is there to lend a hand.

    While we mourn the loss of the previous film’s love interest, this sequel is an improvement on all counts. This movie has scenes of action that are genuinely creative, a particular standout being a long fight scene where Frank takes down dozens of henchmen... armed only with a fire extinguishing hose. We also have a short recap of the very cool greasy fight sequence from the first film and a spectacular battle in a hospital. You won’t even care about the fact that Frank battles his way through a cardboard waiting room and pulls off some stunts that would make Daffy Duck cringe because they’re so well made and original. The movie never lets up. There’s a terrific balance between action, development of the mystery and humor. There’s not a dull or slow moment once the plot kicks in. We also get a benefit of memorable villains. Gianni (Alessandro Gassman) is diabolical but campy at the same time so he’s a great fit for a series that never really takes itself seriously (want proof that this is tongue-in-cheek? Check out how Frank manages to get rid of the bomb under his car) We also get to see a female villain that’s ridiculously sexy and delightfully cartoonish. How else can you describe Lola (Kate Nauta), a woman who prances around in her lingerie while wielding twin machine guns and blasting everything in her path? As for the heroes, Frank is far more competent a hero than he was the last time we saw him and Inspector Tarconi is a great comedic sidekick. It also helps that Jack and his mother are both very likable characters so you’ll care about whether or not Frank manages to save the day.

    For the negative points, there are a couple of CG effects that don’t look very good (mostly the scene with the bomb I mentioned earlier, a moment that is so over-the-top it pulls you out of the movie) and the movie is lacking a bit in two crucial components of a classic action movie: the memorable deaths of the big baddies and the one-liners. Otherwise, it’s a blast to watch when you’re in the mood to see something goofy. The driving is better, the characters are more interesting, the stakes are higher. What more could you want out of this? Even if you haven’t seen the first movie, check out “Transporter 2″. (Theatrical version on Blu-ray, November 10, 2013)

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    adamwatchesmovies@  14.9.2016 age: 26-35 2,887 reviews

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