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    This Is It


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    Say what you will about Michael Jackson, but his final film, compiled from rehearsal footage taken during rehearsals for his comeback tour is a great documentary/concert film that will make you miss the man’s musical genius. The film is arranged so that we go through all of the songs that would have been featured in the tour scheduled on July 13, 2009. We get to see Michael working on the choreography of the numbers, singing his most beloved songs (and a new one) and get a feel for what the final product would have been like if it hadn’t been for his death on June 25th.

    The movie really gives you a feel for what the concert would have been like thanks to masterful editing. Different takes of Jackson performing songs during rehearsals are spliced together to focus on the songs, his moves on stage and the people in the background who would have enhanced the experience. Without a doubt this would have been a dynamite tour, with a bold visual style and impressive theatrics for every song. It really makes you sad that the whole thing never got put together because it really would have been an amazing show. I couldn’t believe that Jackson was 43 years old at the time this movie was shot because he has so much energy and enthusiasm during the footage captured. I don’t like to get involved in peoples’ personal business, least of all celebrities who are often under a lot of pressure and it seems, to me at least, that people are just waiting for them to slip up even a little so they can tear down their idols and rip them to shreds. I didn’t feel like I really knew anything about the “King of Pop” but after watching the movie, I felt like I did get to know him at least a bit. He comes off as a passionate but extremely gentle perfectionist and you have to respect an artist that puts all of his efforts into his work. When things don’t go right Jackson seemed like an easy guy to work with, a professional that’s excited to start his music career up again with a dynamite tour. The movie might be cut in a way that exaggerated this trait of his, that’s kind of expected considering the film is a tribute but it felt genuine nonetheless. We also see some of the people that were excited or overwhelmed to be involved in the concert and that helps make the experience feel genuine. It gives you a hint of the hundreds of hours that were involved in a show that tragically never came to be.

    You might be surprised to hear this, but I am not a Michael Jackson fan. I know very little about him and most of the songs performed in the film I was hearing for the first time. I’ve heard people say that the film was made only to profit from Jackson’s death but it didn’t feel like that at all to me. What it feels like is a farewell to the fans with the best efforts being put together to give them a glimpse of what could have been seen if they had gone to the show. It’s a testament to the legacy of a man that did fall from grace but was anxious to come back and please his followers. If he had been given this second chance who knows what the end results would have been?

    Even if you’re not a fan of Michael Jackson and his music, this film is a terrific example of how to shoot a concert. The editing is nothing short of brilliant and if you’re aspiring to have anything to do with the music industry, you could learn a lot from “This is It”. I was really surprised and impressed at how good it looked and I did end up really loving it. (On Dvd, May 10, 2014)

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    adamwatchesmovies@  13.1.2015 age: 26-35 2,890 reviews

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    9 - Excellent movie, a must see
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    6 - Not bad, could be much better
    5 - So so, okay if you don't pay
    4 - Not good, even if you don't pay
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