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    Who framed Roger Rabbit?


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    Wow, did this movie really get made in 1988? You wouldn’t be able to tell from the ground-breaking special effects, but there’s more to this movie than the visuals. It isn’t the joy of seeing classic cartoon characters on-screen together for the first (and likely last time) that makes this movie great either. This is an outrageous comedy, a film that gets better with subsequent views. It’s also a pretty good mystery. “Who Framed Roger Rabbit” is unforgettable; a must-see.

    Set in the 1940s, in a world where cartoon characters walk among us, private detective Eddie Valiant (Bob Hoskins) used to specialize in cases involving "toons" but quit the business when his brother was killed by one. After Eddie proves to Roger Rabbit (voiced by Charles Fleischer) that his wife (Jessica Rabbit, voiced by Kathleen Turner) is up to no good behind his back, a distraught Roger becomes the chief suspect in a murder. Feeling responsible for the situation, Eddie reluctantly agrees to help the rabbit clear his name.

    Most mystery stories get less interesting the second, third, whatever time around. You know where all the clues lead and it’s fun to see how they add up, but after that? I dunno. This rule doesn't apply here. Even if you know the picture’s ending –it’s a good one and you’re unlikely to guess it, even if you’ve read the book – it's impossible not to find something diverting in this picture. First and foremost, there’s the technical aspect. How many times have we complained of experienced actors looking like amateurs because they’re playing off a green box that will later be replaced by some make-belief creation? Not applicable here. When the unforgettable Jessica Rabbit interacts with Eddie, you believe she’s real. Every time toons interact with people, you wonder how they pulled it off. That’s if you’re able to wrap your brain around the huge number of classic characters, most (maybe even all of which) are voiced by the talents that made them famous in the first place. If you’re an enthusiast of classic animation, it’ll blow your mind. At the same time, the film achieves the seemingly impossible. Even though we’re treated to such immortal creations as Bugs Bunny, Mickey Mouse, Dumbo, Tweety Bird, and both Daffy and Donald Duck… they never eclipse the leads. Roger Rabbit, his cartoon co-star Baby Herman (voiced by Lou Hirsch), Eddie, Jessica, Marvin Acme (Stubby Kaye), and Judge Doom (Christopher Lloyd) are so well written and performed they become just as permanent.

    I’ve been so busy talking about the technical and behind-the-scenes that I nearly forgot to tell you about how funny this film is. For the laughs contained within the first few minutes, “Roger Rabbit” is worth your time. The writing is impeccable, delivering a clever story with many witty lines, all sandwiched between big visual gags that’ll have you howling. It gets better the more classic Warner Bros. And Disney Cartoons you’ve seen, but even without doing your “homework”, it’s a gas. Repeat views allow you to focus on the backgrounds, which are teeming with details and little throwaway gags you don’t want to miss.

    There’s never going to be another film like “Who Framed Roger Rabbit”. That’d be a disappointment if this one let you down in any way whatsoever. This Robert Zemeckis masterwork never does. (On Blu-ray, September 22, 2017)

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    adamwatchesmovies@  14.11.2016 age: 26-35 2,891 reviews

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    10 - A masterpiece, go, see it now
    9 - Excellent movie, a must see
    8 - Great movie, don't miss it
    7 - Good movie, worth seeing
    6 - Not bad, could be much better
    5 - So so, okay if you don't pay
    4 - Not good, even if you don't pay
    3 - Poor movie, not recommended
    2 - Very bad, forget about it
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