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    A Promise


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    On revisiting the 2013 film A PROMISE, I was much more struck by its beauty and delicacy than when first I saw it. I am well acquainted with Stefan Zweig on whose novel this is based, but I have never read this incredible piece of literature. The film starts off as of 1912 so we are a mere two years away from the First Great War. And indeed the war does come, but it plays no real part of the story, the story quickly moving ahead by six years to get to the real heart of this formidable romance.

    Writer/Director Patrice Leconte is deserving of a lot of praise for his beautiful screenplay and meticulous direction of this family and business saga. The film deals with upper crust Germans, their plants and fortunes and a man who comes into their world to change everything. The trio of actors, namely, Rebecca Hall, whom I adore, Alan Rickman who hasn't given this high calibre performance in some time and young Richard Madden, so solemn and sincere are total perfection and illuminate this film so that it rises to a degree I never expected.

    The photography of the film is astounding with its more muted palette to reflect the coming onslaught of war. Yet the colours remain beautiful in the family mansion contrasted by the grit, grime and dirt, the very darkness of life within the family foundry which has made their fortune.

    I must re-enforce how impressed I was with all the acting. It is simply work of such superior quality. Director Leconte created such a perfect vision of that 1912 to 1918 world. Without GREAT performances, it would all be for naught. Mr. Leconte never allows for anything but a truthful, honest rendition of his screenplay, beautiful lines that are delivered not as a whisper, but just audible enough to create this glorious impression of a special household and their magnanimous lives.

    We are dealing with a trio of persons, a gentleman of a certain age, his young wife and the young genius who works for the company. And it's all kept sanitary clean. Nothing is ever shown as obvious in this romance! One is thrilled to be able to witness the touching of a hand! Everything moves so slowly that it enriches the film as we behold the daily retinue of life right down to nightly dinner served promptly at seven thirty p. m. What eventually ensues, with some interference from the war is heartbreaking yet one keeps hoping. There are indeed many twists and turns and real surprises in A Promise, none that anyone will take for granted.

    This is a film that has to be viewed by those with a literary capacity who understand humanity as it was and indeed is in the present day. We have high drama which moves at a snail's pace but recounts a story we wish would never end. I know there must be others like me who can devour these great films without any recourse to ridiculous sci-fi movies, horror films and thrillers all in the same mold. I want to spill more of the beans, as it were, but take it on faith this is a film that won't disappoint you.

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    pietroantoni@  28.4.2015 age: 36-49 14,621 reviews

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    10 - A masterpiece, go, see it now
    9 - Excellent movie, a must see
    8 - Great movie, don't miss it
    7 - Good movie, worth seeing
    6 - Not bad, could be much better
    5 - So so, okay if you don't pay
    4 - Not good, even if you don't pay
    3 - Poor movie, not recommended
    2 - Very bad, forget about it
    1 - Worst ever, avoid at all costs

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