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    Back to the Future Part II


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    “Back to the Future Part II” is so close to being as good as the first. Fun, inventive, a little bit dark, and often hilarious. It does more than give us more of what we like before; it enriches the series as a whole by being a true sequel.

    It begins when Doc Brown (Christopher Lloyd) asks Marty (Michael J. Fox) and his girlfriend Jennifer (Elisabeth Shue) to help their yet-to-be-born son out of trouble by traveling to the future. Unfortunately, their trip goes amiss. History is altered. Now, Doc and Marty must go back to the past and prevent the loathsome Biff (Thomas F. Wilson) from ruining the present.

    This sequel's two highlights are its use of time travel and the intentionally hilarious vision of the future. I doubt anyone on the production team believed we'd have flying cars or self-lacing shoes by 2015 but it's fun to pretend. Obviously, this 2015 version of Twin Pines is a joke, but you never know. There are pointed satirical elements either way.

    Stories about time travel are exciting. You can do so much with the concept! This franchise displays intelligence by expanding on the series and proving it's got so much more to offer. I’ve seen stories of people making their way to the past and having to carefully watch not to mess up their future. I've never seen it done like this before, or since.

    This movie rewards you every time you watch it. You’ll notice how history repeats itself. Little events, jokes, or actions will have equivalents/parallels in the previous (and follow-up) film. The jokes build upon themselves and become doubly funny. So often sequels feel like the people have been away from the project so long they’ve forgotten the spirit of that first charmer, or create inconsistencies because someone wasn’t paying attention. Not here.

    “Back to the Future Part 2” brings new elements to the franchise while conserving its best parts. There are a few missed opportunities, however. Mostly it’s Jennifer, who has some good moments during the first third and then gets sidelined. You should also know that unless you’re intimately familiar with that first movie to the point of being able to recite it by heart, you really should watch these films closely together. There are so many callbacks if you are busy digging through the back of your skull trying to recall what exactly happened previously, you’re going to miss some of the jokes peppered throughout. It's not a flaw, just a warning so you get the most out of this trilogy. All of the parallel scenes and recurring jokes mean you've got to give yourself a whole day to watch all three or watch them in succession, with part 1 on the 20th, Part 2 on the 21st, and part 3 on the 22nd - it's when the movies are set "for real". If you choose to do this, either close your eyes during the preview that plays during this film's end credits or just skip through it altogether. It’s just a bunch of needless spoilers for a movie you know you’re going to see anyway.

    “Back to the Future Part II" is a sure-fire favorite for all ages that’s consistently funny and quite smart. It’s got loads of memorable moments and many big laughs. If you’re like me and you try and give yourself little rituals throughout the year that include such things as watching “V for Vendetta” on the 5th of November, “Halloween” on Halloween or “Demolition Man” on September 25 (the date of the last murder in that futuristic society) you’ll be reaching for “Back to the Future: Part II” on October 21st. Actually, it's good any time of the year. (On DVD, October 21, 2015)

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    adamwatchesmovies@  21.10.2015 age: 26-35 2,888 reviews

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    9 - Excellent movie, a must see
    8 - Great movie, don't miss it
    7 - Good movie, worth seeing
    6 - Not bad, could be much better
    5 - So so, okay if you don't pay
    4 - Not good, even if you don't pay
    3 - Poor movie, not recommended
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