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    Die Hard


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    This was Bruce Willis at the zenith of his career delivering a knock-out performance which frankly stunned me. EVERYTHING in the film is at such a top-notch production level. It was obviously made with great love and care and it all comes through gloriously well! Needless to say, the film is maximum entertainment, one hell of a jolt after the other. It was such a crowd pleaser! If you get bored or nod off during this 1988 classic well, there must be something just a little wrong with you. You see, this is not my typical sort of Hollywood fare, but there is always the exception that breaks the rule, and this happens to be one of those times! I was pleasantly surprised by the casting and the terrific performance of the great Bonnie Bedelia whom I've always admired. She will surprise many in this big flick on the big screen. She should definitely have had a more substantial movie career, but many of that period left showbiz voluntarily to raise a family full time. She was, at roughly the same time, nominated for an Oscar Best Actress Award in a truly original film, Heart Like a Wheel, in which she played a race car-driver to end all race-car drivers. She didn't win but the nomination was a tremendous honour~! I would say that aside from DIE HARD, THE SIXTH SENSE is Bruce Willis's other very great screen appearance. He was damn fine to say the least. If not known as a regular action hero, Hollywood could and should have nominated him as Best Actor for Sixth Sense. Undoubtedly, I was astounded by the understated, but magnetic performance he gave. I never knew he had or could have such range and versatility. I know he will never do anything better. I do believe it is a role that will always define Mr. Willis in his truly durable, solid, money-making career. Hell! He's still making two or three movies a year, ALWAYS IN DEMAND by producers. A NOTE TO THEATRE CHAINS: For what this is worth, THE SIXTH SENSE should be brought back to the big screen for a night of the most suspenseful film-going one can possibly experience. Aside from Bruce, Joel Haley Osmond gave THE PERFORMANCE OF HIS THEN VERY YOUNG CAREER earning him a very rare Supporting Actor Nomination for one so young... and let's not forget Toni Collette as the mother who holds her own with both the big guy and the little guy, her son in the film. If you have never seen this film, you are in for a final twist that will knock the underwear right off your derriere... besides the non-stop suspense, the unease you will feel at the freaky goings-on. BRING IT BACK! It should be seen on the big screen!

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    pietroantoni@  2.12.2013 age: 36-49 14,630 reviews

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    10 - A masterpiece, go, see it now
    9 - Excellent movie, a must see
    8 - Great movie, don't miss it
    7 - Good movie, worth seeing
    6 - Not bad, could be much better
    5 - So so, okay if you don't pay
    4 - Not good, even if you don't pay
    3 - Poor movie, not recommended
    2 - Very bad, forget about it
    1 - Worst ever, avoid at all costs

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