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    For animation enthusiasts, Henry Selick’s “Monkeybone” is worth checking out, as a curiosity. This isn’t a great film. Many of the characters are annoying, sometimes it’s just way too weird, and the first half contains few laughs. I'm on the edge but I think I can avoid calling it bad because of its strong second half, intriguing concept, and terrific special effects.

    Cartoonist Stu Miley (Brendan Fraser) falls into a coma, and "awakens" in Down Town, a land of nightmares neighboring the realm of Death. There, he comes face to face with his own creation, Monkeybone (voiced by John Turturro). Stu and Monkeybone team up to escape, but it's the raunchy, wise-cracking that returns to the real world, leaving his "father" without a body.

    This is a great-looking film that uses its special effects well. Some of the CG is a bit dated, but even then, the graphics fit within the bizarre aesthetic of Down Town. Its denizens are stop-motion creations, people in costumes or makeup, and puppets. You’ll wonder what the rules of this world are exactly, and how some of the weirder aspects make any sense, but you’ll power through your questions for the sake of the visuals.

    The biggest problem is the titular character. Monkeybone may look great, but he’s never, ever funny. His neverending volley of crude sex jokes and double-entendres wear your patience thin - quick. Even when Brendan Fraser takes over the role, it’s so we can get lame gags that raise more questions.

    You'll spot several comedians in cameo roles (Such as a eyepatch and funny hat-sporting Woopie Goldberg, playing Death). The only actor who manages to be funny is Chris Katan. Clearly, the film knows this, which is why he’s featured prominently on the DVD cover. Too bad he only comes in during the second half. In a comedy with very few laughs, that’s a long wait.

    The more I think about it, the less enthusiastic I am about "Monkeybone". The visuals are cool, but they accompany the worst part of this story and as original as the film is, what it does well can be found spread out over several other, better films. Down Town feels an awful like lot a weaker version of Halloween Town from Selick’s own “The Nightmare Before Christmas” and the dream sequences are hardly worth sitting through the annoyance that is Monkeybone (who is basically a lame version of Michael Keaton’s Beetlejuice), for instance. I wish someone would remake, or just rip off this film. Get rid of all the Down Town stuff. Make the whole thing about someone who falls into a coma and then has his body highjacked by someone else. That’s where all the laughs come from.

    “Monkeybone” is a series of missed opportunities floating in a broth of inspired designs and interesting ideas, capped off with a strong conclusion. Listing how I feel about it, I'm forced to change my mind and call it bad. The deciding factor is the humour, which is raunchy, but still PG-13. It means the film doesn’t really have an audience. It's unsuitable for children. Adults will be annoyed. There might be a narrow window during which you’ll enjoy "Monkeybone", but you’ll grow out of it quick. Even for that demographic, I can’t recommend it as anything but something you'd study and draw inspiration from; basically, a lecture. (On DVD, September 22, 2017)

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    adamwatchesmovies@  3.8.2015 age: 26-35 2,891 reviews

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    9 - Excellent movie, a must see
    8 - Great movie, don't miss it
    7 - Good movie, worth seeing
    6 - Not bad, could be much better
    5 - So so, okay if you don't pay
    4 - Not good, even if you don't pay
    3 - Poor movie, not recommended
    2 - Very bad, forget about it
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