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    I remember seeing “Prometheus” in the theater and saying “Wow! ” and being shocked when I heard people tell me they didn’t like it. Rewatching it now, where, unfortunately, I’m stuck watching it on a modest screen and in 2D, I was not dazzled like I was back on July 1, 2012. Nonetheless, it’s a good film. If you don’t think so, lend me your eyes. I’ll tell you why.

    The spaceship "Prometheus", financed by Peter Weyland (Guy Pearce, in old-age makeup, one director Ridley Scott's more questionable decisions) is led by Elizabeth Shaw (Noomi Rapace) and Charlie Holloway (Logan Marshall-Green), who are convinced that mankind's engineers have sent us an invitation from a distant, alien world. The good news? They’re right, at least partially. The bad news? The ruins encountered on the faraway planet contains danger, the likes of which mankind has never seen.

    Let’s begin with the strengths. Firstly, it’s a great-looking picture. The special effects are top-notch, the cinematography impressive, and the visuals inventive. I love this picture’s interpretations of holograms and the way it differentiates human technology from the Engineers’. It’s also effective at delivering thrills and chills without being just a horror movie. I also thought the main character was well written and original. This film is a prequel/spinoff of the “Alien” franchise. You might anticipate that Shaw might be similar to Alexa Woods in “Alien vs. Predator” or Kelly O’Brien “ in “AVP: Requiem”, but she’s not. Neither is she a re-hash of Ellen Ripley.

    The performances in “Prometheus” are quite good. Michael Fassbender as the android David is formidable on-screen. There’s something uniquely off-putting and yet human about him. It’s perfect for a mechanical creation that despite what everyone says, might have a soul.

    What’s not so good are the moments where ”Prometheus” becomes a slave to the “Alien” franchise, which is, at its core, about scaring you. Numerous times throughout, characters act stupidly so they can find some creepy extraterrestrial stuff and get themselves killed. Sometimes, they act so illogically you think it means something bigger, but it doesn't. When the explorers take off their helmets in the middle of an alien structure, you want to scream “You fools! What about alien bacteria! You’ll all get infected! ” but no, no one does. It makes the humans who wind up dead look like a bunch of morons.

    I think those who call "Prometheus” bad have overlooked the many interesting themes present in this story. At its core, it focusses on the frightening idea that you’d find God (or whatever being created humanity) and that he’d hate you. He considers you a mistake and now that you’ve met, he wants you dead. That’s a great concept. Along these lines is the recurring idea that children pose a threat/want to kill their parents. David, the “child” of mankind, humans to the engineers, even the xenomorphs of the “sequels” are basically born from humans and then turn on them. It’s no coincidence. I like some of the statements put forward during the film (many of them referring to David) and how they are proven right, but then reversed during the climax to wrap it all up nicely. I don’t want to give away too much, but pay attention to the film David watches at the beginning of the picture, particularly one quote about pain and how (I believe) it comes back around to be relevant at the end.

    In some ways," Prometheus" is a disappointment. It’s not the masterpiece that “Alien” is and as a prequel/spinoff, it leaves a lot of pending. We may get all of the answers in 2017’s “Alien Covenant”, but I still feel like some of it is simply due to a story that at times, get downright sloppy. For the most part, it’s quite elegant, suspenseful, full of smart symbolism and contains many clever undertones. Then in other scenes, it’s a run-of-the-mill science fiction horror film. Ultimately, I believe the good far outweigh the bad. Even if you haven't seen any of the "Alien" films, “Prometheus” stands on its own, particularly because it doesn’t tie-in directly into Ripley’s adventures. It’s another story set in that universe. I’m curious to see where they take the series next. (On Blu-ray, November 20, 2016)

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    adamwatchesmovies@  1.6.2017 age: 26-35 2,891 reviews

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    9 - Excellent movie, a must see
    8 - Great movie, don't miss it
    7 - Good movie, worth seeing
    6 - Not bad, could be much better
    5 - So so, okay if you don't pay
    4 - Not good, even if you don't pay
    3 - Poor movie, not recommended
    2 - Very bad, forget about it
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