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    Safe House


    Reviewed by

    "Safe House" is a decent action film with a few thriller elements that gets the job done without really stealing the spotlight from other picture of the same genre. There are exciting sequences that will get your blood pumping, but the same sort of leaps in logic and lapses in plausibility you've seen many ties before.

    Matt Weston (Ryan Reynolds) is a low-level CIA agent in charge of keeping a safe house warm in case it’s needed. When ex agent and traitor Tobin Frost (Denzel Washington) is brought to Weston’s safe house, things spiral out of control.

    What I like best about “Safe House” is that there are some great fight scenes where characters really get down and dirty. You really feel like these people are fighting for their lives. They don’t hold back because something is sneaky or underhanded. Weston is forced to some morally debatable things and there are times where he is forced to murder people because if he doesn't, the whole mission will be compromised. It raises the stakes. I enjoy that we get to see that he is being emotionally affected by these unfortunate but necessary decisions. As the movie goes along you feel him breaking down and sympathising more and more with the rogue Tobin Frost. There’s an element of uncertainty when it comes to their relationship. There are also some pretty good cat and mouse sequences involving Weston and/or Frost and a few fun surprises here and there (like when Frost is forced inside a trunk during a car chase.)

    The rest of the movie is decent without standing out. While Weston has some charisma and you care for him, Frost isn’t as well developed and the ultimate bad guys are completely flat. We get plenty of chases where cars and characters are able to shrug off incredible injuries in just a few minutes and the plot isn't very deep. You have probably seen this type of story many times. The only things that stand out here are the primary protagonists, who have charisma and chemistry. Some of the fight sequences are also good because they don’t hold back.

    “Safe House” is decent; it's just that it isn't really that memorable. It makes for a decent action film even if it's not the kind you'll feel compelled to watch over and over. (On Dvd, March 31, 2013)

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    adamwatchesmovies@  28.2.2016 age: 26-35 2,891 reviews

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    9 - Excellent movie, a must see
    8 - Great movie, don't miss it
    7 - Good movie, worth seeing
    6 - Not bad, could be much better
    5 - So so, okay if you don't pay
    4 - Not good, even if you don't pay
    3 - Poor movie, not recommended
    2 - Very bad, forget about it
    1 - Worst ever, avoid at all costs

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