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    First of all a big BRAVA to the incomparable ANGELINA JOLIE on the amazing direction of her second film. She understood her material very well and it all revealed itself as a veritable gem on the screen. MY BOOS to all the film circles and societies including the Golden Globes, SAG, and the Academy Awards for not giving a single nomination to one of the most beautiful, most inspirational films of 2014 especially as the Globes and Oscars can pick up to 10 films yet still omitted UNBROKEN. Ethan and Joel Coen as screenwriters told a tale that is almost spiritual yet natural in tone. Wandering why they didn't direct it themselves. But I think I know the answer. It was obvious that this project so touched and moved Angelina that it could only be her film, especially as she was acquainted with the still very much alive Mr. Zamperini!

    As an Italian, I was so proud to see this film and witness early Italian immigrants in the U. S. at one of its worst moments... the years of the depression. I loved the care the family had for one another, steering the wayward LOUIE out of his constant trouble making. So much of the credit should go to older brother Pete who loved Louie so much. I understood the family dynamic on a very personal basis, so intrinsic it is to my own nature.

    This was a heartbreaking epic, a courageous story to tell with all its pain and suffering, but ultimately a film of great triumph for a nation and this one particular man, Louis Zamperini, the very embodiment of the word HERO. Jack O'Connell was a perfect choice as Louie both physically and the great embodiment he brought to the life of a truly masterful sportsman and outstanding pilot/hero. His tenacity in braving every bad thing life can throw at you was simply astounding. Domhnall Gleeson son of Brendan Gleeson gets very high marks as well as do the Japanese commanders in the prison camps who were so young, quite beautiful creatures while displaying the absolute diabolic nature of the Japanese during WWII. I consider myself a lucky person never to have gone through such trials and tribulations.

    Ultimately, this is a triumphant film because of the love Angelina had for the project. It touched me deeply that Ms Jolie showed Louie Zamperini a cut of the film as he was in hospital intensive care at age 97 dying just as the film was released. I can see why Angelina loved this man so much. With a short documentary on Mr. Zamperini following the film, it's undeniable that this was a great man of God, a great American, a great friend to so many, loved by so many. In 1950, 5 years after the war Louie returned to Japan to forgive everyone of the guards in the war camps. The only one who would never meet with him was THE BIRD, his worst tormentor. What an incredible life! What a superlative man. What a stunning film on every level.

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    pietroantoni@  8.4.2015 age: 36-49 14,628 reviews

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    10 - A masterpiece, go, see it now
    9 - Excellent movie, a must see
    8 - Great movie, don't miss it
    7 - Good movie, worth seeing
    6 - Not bad, could be much better
    5 - So so, okay if you don't pay
    4 - Not good, even if you don't pay
    3 - Poor movie, not recommended
    2 - Very bad, forget about it
    1 - Worst ever, avoid at all costs

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