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    Fast & Furious


    Reviewed by

    This is the first of the four I've seen. Acting was poor. What I'm most disappointed with is the message this type of movie sends to young people. To promote this type of driving & lifestyle is irresponsible. I know, its only a movie, but look at what we see on our streets today. Another negative is the so-called good guys/heroes. They're criminals and irresponsible. They steal for gain; They drive not caring about the public in their way and their disrespect for the law. This is feeding our entitled generation that choices don't have consequences, work is a lesser option and the laws of the land are to be broken for MY selfish lifestyle. There's much more I can say (around drinking, sexuality in the film) but will put the brakes on here.

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    jdjefford@  12.4.2009 age: 36-49 556 reviews

    Dude its just a movie and guys my age have a choice if they want to get into that life. This movie is not going to change that choice... You see sex drugs and booze in everyday life a movie will not have much affect on that life (speeking for experience I own all three movies and I dont party at all)

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    foxrider_92@  14.4.2009 age: 13-17

    Man it's a movie, just cause a movie has sex and drinking and reckless driving doesnt mean everyones gunna go jump in their car and do something stupid or go get drunk and laid or something. [...]

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    fghdfgdf@  14.4.2009 age: 13-17

    I like your review and I agree with everything you said.

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    jzslvzu@  16.4.2009 age: 50+ 34 reviews

    I agree with everything you said. Totally true. Still loved the movie though.

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    cizar_ranger@  19.4.2009 age: 18-25

    Oh come one now. This is a movie, as you yourself stated, nothing more or less. Sure, we have more young people involved in present-time crimes, but I believe that the majority of them are quite capable to distinguish between reality, fantasy and rich imagination. They want to watch these action movies to be entertained - which, no doubt, they are (as most of us) But it's hardly realistic to expect for them to go out there to become immediate copy cats of the movie's actors and actions.

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    giselabnb@  19.4.2009 age: 50+

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    9 - Excellent movie, a must see
    8 - Great movie, don't miss it
    7 - Good movie, worth seeing
    6 - Not bad, could be much better
    5 - So so, okay if you don't pay
    4 - Not good, even if you don't pay
    3 - Poor movie, not recommended
    2 - Very bad, forget about it
    1 - Worst ever, avoid at all costs

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