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    Monkey Kingdom


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    Well! This class system of monkeys in a region of South Asia parallels human society on a true and even frightening level of reality. It shows that luck has a great deal to do with one's station in life, even within such an animal kingdom. As in our greedy, obsessive universe in which the strong, powerful and rich members of society want to hog it all so the viewer will note this quite disgusting trait within the social sphere of the Temple Troop Monkey Group. As in our world, one has to battle to get to the top. There are no short cuts! Aside from all that I could't help but deliberate that MONKEY KINGDOM makes abundantly clear, if even for a fleeting moment, Darwin's theory of the " survival of the fittest." LIFE IS NO PLACE FOR SISSIES be it human or the lowest form of animal kingdom! I'm not much into animals of any kind thus my unwelcome score.

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    pietroantoni@  15.4.2015 age: 36-49 14,614 reviews

    Your comments leaves me with questions when you write," .. MONKEY KINGDOM makes abundantly clear, if even for a fleeting moment, Darwin's theory of the " survival of the fittest." LIFE IS NO PLACE FOR SISSIES be it human or the lowest form of animal kingdom!". Do you believe there's not a difference between animals and humans when it comes to morality/conscience? There's no place for weaker forms of life? Do you condone wiping out species/nations because they're weaker? Just asking?

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    jdjefford@  19.4.2015 age: 36-49 555 reviews

    Of course there's a difference with the animal kingdom and humans and no I would never condone the wiping out of anyone or any species of a weaker order. But the fact remains that that Darwin is right. Some have the strength and fortitude to rise to the top and be in a much superior position than a great deal of humanity. They are often unscrupulous persons with not a shred of goodness in them. It happens in the animal kingdom, but it is purely instinctive on their part as they can't reason and have no sense of justice, morals etc. as man does.

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    pietroantoni@  21.5.2015 age: 36-49 14,614 reviews

    Of course, I can differentiate between animal and the human kingdom and all that goes along with it. It's not my place nor would I ever consider weaker life forces as being on the chopping block, so to speak. In a past of many years ago and in a more relevant past plus in our present, one can't get away from the topic I brought up. Were I to condone in any way who or what lives, I would be no better than some monsters of the past. But there is very much and always has been " a natural selection " process in life, which I detest, but is nonetheless a truism. It is constantly occurring in the animal kingdom as Darwin observed. The ethnic cleansing and other crimes against humanity, especially in the Middle East of today is at a point as in WW II and Hitler! The weak, the lower sects of society literally do get slaughtered on a day to day basis. It's reality. Brutal as it is, it occurs from day to day. To close an eye to it would not be rationale and plain stupid as it is a ferocious FACT of lIfe. Personally, I would want no harm to come to anyone, however the weaker are being slaughtered in several parts of the world because they are irrelevant and butchered in acts of total barbarism. Therefore, Darwin's survival of the fittest is very much in evidence. I hate all that is occurring but, yes, nations and sects of nations are eliminated as they are considered inferior or expendable from many stances by those more powerful or to put it more precisely by the bastards in power. This has occurred throughout history. Darwin and his huge intellect just shocked everyone in the 19th century by proving that a selection process does occur by nature itself or by man who is an evil force of the natural world. It's a very complicated issue, hardly answerable in a short paragraph! Life is sacred, but whether human or animal no one has been able to end this " order" of matters in a chaotic world that continues century after century. I repeat, Nature itself keeps the life balance in check, but human nature does something similar driven by hate, racism, bigotry... and we, of course, have always had ethnic cleansing because of religious reasons or matters of faith. These are tough issues that seem almost pre-ordained in part. Think of it in this very simple manner. A weak man will always be crushed by a potentially greater life source simply because IT CAN happen and does so.

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    pietroantoni@  20.4.2015 age: 36-49 14,614 reviews

    I was curious about the movie and decided to read some of the viewer comments. Now I'm curious about something else: if you're not into animals, why go see this? Is it to get a different anthropologic perspective on a different species? Although your score for this movie is low, and this might reflect more on your own personal dislike for animals and thus irrelevant, your comments are thought-provoking and I appreciate this. Thanks for sharing. I love animals.

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    fryingoutloud@  20.5.2015 age: 36-49 24 reviews

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