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    The Retrieval


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    It is truly very sad that this regional indie by Chris Eska was important only from a standpoint of the usual festival circuit and appreciated by those with a western bent for very great films like Eastwood's Unforgiven, Tarantino's Django Unchained or Peter Fonda's exceptional film, The Hired Hand. Like the above films, The Retrieval is a work of art. In this period piece we are nestled in the year 1864 as the U. S. Civil War rages like an inferno. This is not a film about the Civil War, but, strangely and indirectly it has huge ties to the Civil War.

    This exceptional film is so many different genres rolled into one that it is difficult to give an accurate description of the whole. This Civil War/Western drama concerns black freedmen, bounty hunters and many innocents caught up in this horrible 19th century world. One thing you must not do is make any comparison to Django Unchained. That would be most unfortunate and deadly wrong. It is absolutely no retelling of the Tanantino film, taking nothing away from Django.

    What we have with THE RETRIEVAL is a "triad" of sorts: it's equally a suspenseful road movie, an astonishingly accurate period drama and an emotional coming of age story laced with much heavy baggage and a variety of personalities permeating everything in many unusual and unlikely ways. One never loses sight of anything in this cinématic gem as it is so well crafted. What remains astounding is that with the film's limited, financial resources, the movie is able to achieve such vital life through the abundance of skilled craftsmen bent on accomplishing their mission.

    The largely unknown cast perform miracles in every major and minor role and that goes for the children as well. Director Chris Eska deserves much of the credit assisted by a screenplay that reads like 19th century life of the worst kind. The eye of the lens, its cinematography is only brilliant as it creates the troubled moodiness of those dark years of desperation. Add to this the period appropriate score of Wiedermann and Atwood, and The Retrieval is blessed with a polish few films can claim.

    This is not an easy film in that dark, disturbing matters float all about us. But whoever said that TRUE ART is a simple matter? This is a film that should be seen. It's ironic that so many have no qualms on dealing with horrendous situations when it comes to sci-fi films, horror films and other such nonsense. However, ask them to take in facts of a dreadful human condition, matters that were part of the lives of our very own flesh and blood ancestors... well, that becomes an entirely different story, the response or reaction usually a negative one. It's painful, as a cinéphile that so many great films are overlooked for lacklustre, repetitive nonsense. Why won't contemporary society embrace films that are essential and life-altering? It's mysterious, an enigma that will never be solved!

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    pietroantoni@  12.5.2015 age: 36-49 14,621 reviews

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    10 - A masterpiece, go, see it now
    9 - Excellent movie, a must see
    8 - Great movie, don't miss it
    7 - Good movie, worth seeing
    6 - Not bad, could be much better
    5 - So so, okay if you don't pay
    4 - Not good, even if you don't pay
    3 - Poor movie, not recommended
    2 - Very bad, forget about it
    1 - Worst ever, avoid at all costs

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