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    District 9

    Reviewed by

    Come on people, are you kidding? It was one of the worst movies I've ever seen. Don't waste your time and money.

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    pantal@  20.8.2009 age: 26-35 72 reviews

    Why was it bad, there is no justifying reason in your review.

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    madmon741@  23.8.2009 age: 13-17

    And why exactly was it so awful?

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    regencyvan@  23.8.2009 age: 36-49 5 reviews

    Dead on, at least some people have good taste, eh? Never watched as many people walking away from a show. Braovo! Cheers, w. Doebel.

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    dwolfgang0416@  24.8.2009 age: 50+ 11 reviews

    Why I hated it so much? Well, I don’t like the fake documentary style, if it’s so “unique” how come the preview does not reflect it at all. The preview looks like a “Hollywood junk” :) and I felt I was tricked. I watched this movie with my brother who is 39 and loves sci-fi, we both felt that we were tortured the whole time and we left the theatre after a very long 30 minutes. By the way, I like real documentaries and movies about social and moral issues, I even watch foreign movies and I am really open-minded. But this movie was definitely a “1” for me, even with its “deep, moral message”. You can’t convince me to change my mind…. Sorry guys :)

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    pantal@  24.8.2009 age: 26-35 72 reviews

    I'm so glad that someone agrees. I was worried that there is something wrong with me... :) Cheers.

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    pantal@  24.8.2009 age: 26-35 72 reviews

    You must have psychic powers to review a 90 minute movie when you, by your own admission, left after 30 minutes... hmm. Why would you even bother? Clearly the movie's ratings are the HIGHEST of any other one out this summer... and your lowly score is included in that average... Did you leave the Dark knight when Heath ledger made the pencil disappear because it wasn't a good magic trick?

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    psterl3384@  24.8.2009 age: 50+ 202 reviews

    Unfortunately we have no psychic power, if we had we would not bought tickets for this movie at all :) I don't remember if I ever left the theatre before, however Gangs of New York was painfull too. I'm glad you liked it, I wish you many movies like this in the future. Cheers.

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    pantal@  25.8.2009 age: 26-35 72 reviews

    I walked out of this movie after 45 minutes - couldn't take the shaky camera work, and the story wasn't good enough to hold me. You didn't miss anything in that extra 15 minutes ;) I have never walked out of a movie before... Keep reading the reviews - lots of people walked out. I was the first of 6 who walked out during the showing I attended!

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    lydiahelen@  27.8.2009 age: 36-49 2 reviews

    Don't fret! I walked out too about 40 min in! My friend stayed and brutally watched to the end and said that I didn't miss anything. And you're right, 3 people followed me out the door! Most of the lovers of this film are in the 13 to 25 yrs age and I think it mostly for the gore. I'm a sci-fi/horror film lover too and I felt like the movie makers were sitting behind me and saying "watch how quickly I can take their money" This is my first time ever reviewing a movie online but I felt compelled to warn everyone!!!

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    levon_b@  2.9.2009 age: 18-25

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