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    Dracula Untold


    Reviewed by

    Dracula Untold, 2014 becomes more than just the origins of the Dracula tale for me as we are coming up to the 100th anniversary of the first Dracula film made in Hollywood by Monster Specialists at UNIVERSAL STUDIOS! And since that long ago appearance of Dracula, it is the same studio, UNIVERSAL that is presenting this action adventure thriller once again.

    For the teens who might know very little of the Dracula tale, this movie might provide some pulse pounding action and thrills otherwise it is just yet another rebirth of the famous monstrous character who originally was some depraved, hideously cruel count in what has come to be known by Dracula buffs as Transylvania.

    I truly don't have much interest in this story any longer, but there was a bit of a plus for me in the film in that two of my favourite British actors star in it, namely the incredible LUKE EVANS and the equally wonderful Domenic Cooper. I can't call this a bad film because it isn't. It's just that the story doesn't hold my interest. The 5 is for the work of LUKE and DOMENIC!

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    pietroantoni@  13.2.2015 age: 36-49 14,614 reviews

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    Select stars from 1 to 10.
    10 - A masterpiece, go, see it now
    9 - Excellent movie, a must see
    8 - Great movie, don't miss it
    7 - Good movie, worth seeing
    6 - Not bad, could be much better
    5 - So so, okay if you don't pay
    4 - Not good, even if you don't pay
    3 - Poor movie, not recommended
    2 - Very bad, forget about it
    1 - Worst ever, avoid at all costs

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