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    Leprechaun 2


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    Sometimes, you might realize a film you saw years ago was truly visionary, or that it was humble beginnings that would pay off in the future. I said to myself "I remember liking "Leprechaun 2", so let’s watch it again! ” What was my past self's problem? Was I just stupid? I’ll admit that this film is funnier than the previous one, but otherwise, it’s just as bad, if not worse.

    Haven’t seen the first “Leprechaun”? No problem. None of the events or characters in that film are mentioned at all... and that one ended with a cliffhanger!

    In modern-day Los Angeles, the Leprechaun (Warwick Davis) has set his sight on a potential new bride, sixteen-year-old Bridget (Shevonne Durkin) Her only exit from this abominable matrimony is her boyfriend Cody (Charlie Heath) and his con man uncle Morty (Sandy Baron.)

    In many ways, this movie is superior than the previous film. It’s funnier, which is a big plus. If you’re going to have one of these Holiday-themed horror movies, they almost always suck when they’re done straight. The Leprechaun also has a lot more moments where he’s interacting with unsuspecting civilians, to darkly comic results. The film's set on St. Patrick’s day. No one bats an eye at a little person covered in makeup and wearing green. This means most people don’t realize they’re in trouble until he’s already bitten off their finger or that sort of thing. There are actually quite a few memorable comedic moments here, like one in which Morty and the Leprechaun have a drinking contest. I also enjoyed some of the more gruesome deaths. It helps that Cody (our chief protagonist) is a lot more compelling than Jennifer Anniston and her bumbling friends from the initial picture.

    Aside from the laughs... this movie has little going for it. The acting is truly awful. Warwick Davis and Sandy Baron are alright. They seem to be having fun in their roles. Neither Charlie Heath nor Shevonne Durkin show even the hint of hidden acting chops waiting to be discovered. Are written and assembled so poorly it's downright embarrassing. At one point we see what is clearly a body double for Shevonne Durkin take off her top (you never see the naked woman above her neck and whoever it is that’s pretending to be her clearly has implants, whereas the 23-year-old actress clearly does not) It's a pointless, questionably plausible scene made to distract you from how crappy the film is. There are no actual scares, but two really lame jumps that make me wonder if director Rodman Flender really knew what he was making here.

    "Leprechaun 2" might be a good candidate for your “Bad Movie Night”. Otherwise, forget it. I have some affection for it, but we'll call it a guilty pleasure, or a lapse in judgment. You choose! Honestly, I'm slightly optimistic. This might actually be a sign of good things to come! “Leprechaun 4: In Space” has to have some kind of interesting plot, right? As for “Leprechaun 2”, it’s not a good movie and unless you like bad movies, stay away. It’s trash, but you could do a lot worse and as far as Killer Leprechaun movies go, I’d say this one is slightly better than the first. (On DVD, June 18, 2015)

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    adamwatchesmovies@  2.3.2017 age: 26-35 2,888 reviews

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    6 - Not bad, could be much better
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    4 - Not good, even if you don't pay
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