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    Apart from Bradley Cooper's good acting, LIMITLESS is stupidity at its climax. This movie focusses on the incredible power of a drug to boost up one's intelligence and everyday performances. How can we believe that one stupid drug can wholefully change our IQ? I personally prefer to embrace my strength and weaknesses instead of trying to be someone else...

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    ravi_jay_gunnoo@  5.4.2011 age: 36-49 76 reviews

    It's just a movie! The whole idea of them is to be entertained by wild and fascinating stories which, more often than not, could never happen in real life.

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    ccasey99@  9.4.2011

    Curious why, with that particular frame of mind, one would choose to go to a 'fiction' movie. Fiction requires suspension of disbelief combined with a healthy imagination. Seems your review couldn't possibly be objective considering you clearly lack one and are unable to do the other as a result. I haven't seen it yet, however, how can I believe your review when you obviously can't grasp fiction? This is why I don't review or go to certain types of movies, because some, I just don't get myself.

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    robert-kralj@  10.4.2011 age: 36-49 190 reviews

    LIMITLESS is not a'fiction' movie but an 'action thriller'. Therefore, your comments are not only irrelevant but also heading to nowhere... for someone talking of objectivity. Merely cross-checking the genre of the movie on AMC Theatres Web Site would have brought you to find out that LIMITLESS is indeed an 'action thriller'. Have you done your homework?

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    ravi_jay_gunnoo@  11.4.2011 age: 36-49 76 reviews

    How can one pill change your IQ? First of all, it's a movie. Second of all, you obviously know nothing about drugs because you would be surprised how one pill, or one dose of, LSD would do to you. Get some imagination man. It's not believable? Nothing in movies are believable because movies aren't real. How does Bradley Cooper's hair always look the same? Isn't that not believable, he has make-up artists fixing his hair after every shot. Movies aren't believable and suck it up. Get some imagination.

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    jarad_8.4@  14.4.2011 age: 13-17 37 reviews

    While fiction and non-fiction used to be broad described as genres, that is no longer the case. Fiction pertains to something that is imagined or created, especially concerning literature, or in this case, movies. Non-fiction is something that is represented as truth or fact. Contemporary genres now encompass Action Thrillers, Comedies, Dramas, etc. Also, the previous writers were correct. Unless you're willing to allow yourself to be drawn into a movie, why waste the money?

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    gwh0262@  17.4.2011 age: 36-49

    While fiction and non-fiction used to be broad described as genres, that is no longer the case. Fiction pertains to something that is imagined or created, especially concerning literature, or in this case, movies. Non-fiction is something that is represented as truth or fact. Contemporary genres now encompass Action Thrillers, Comedies, Dramas, etc. Also, the previous writers were correct. Unless you're willing to allow yourself to be drawn into a movie, why waste the money?

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    gwh0262@  17.4.2011 age: 36-49

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    6 - Not bad, could be much better
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