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    Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome


    Reviewed by

    Each story in the "Mad Max" franchise feels like a part of something much bigger. They fit together but details about the world change between each film, making them all seem like they're second-hand accounts or myths passed among those who've survived the apocalypse. While “Beyond Thunderdome” isn't on the level of the first sequel, it’s still plenty exciting, with memorable characters, and a terrific climax.

    Max (Mel Gibson) finds himself in buzzing “Barter Town”. Looking for supplies and a vehicle, he strikes a deal with its leader, Aunty Entity (Tina Turner, having a great time in her role while providing the film's theme song). She wants him to put the engineer that keeps the settlement's electricity running back in his place. Master is the diminutive brain, played by Angelo Rossitto. Blaster is the muscle, played by Paul Larsson. Though Master Blaster live beneath the city, they're the ones who call the shots in Barter Town.

    This franchise has consistently delivered memorable sights and characters. Toe Cutter, Lord Humongous, the Pilot, the feral child, and now Master Blaster. Their look alone steals the show but there's more to them. In any other movie, they would simply be a monster for our hero to beat up. Not here. Pay attention to Master's speech pattern and the way it changes over time. Check out Blaster, how what you learn about him makes you rethink what you saw before. You could've made a whole movie about just them but they're just another piece of this crazy world. It's what makes this franchise feel so much bigger than just a handful of movies.

    I like the little details of this newly constructed world, like the few artifacts from the “past” that remain and are used by a few people here and there, or the strange laws and rules established to keep a population who still remembers what the world was like from going ballistic. You learn as much from about this world from the story as you do from the background and the sets.

    More than any other franchise, “Mad Max” has been focussed on action rather than the story. When it comes to the chase sequences and the visceral car crashes, no one beats it. We had some good ones in the first film, and it escalated to a whole new level in “The Road Warrior”. It's why “Beyond Thunderdome” is a letdown. The stunts are good but there aren't as many as before and nothing we see tops the chase at the end of "Road Warrior". We do receive some solid substitutes; there's an inventive and exhilarating battle inside the titular “Thunderdome” about halfway through, and we get more story but the cars are what we came for and there aren’t as many this time. It gives this chapter a more family-friendly, more polished, and mainstream feel.

    Don’t let "Beyond Thunderdome" not quite rising to the level you wish it would dissuade you from seeing it or calling it a good movie. It’s got a great, original story, memorable characters, good action sequences, and some great quotable lines. It has great re-watch value and once you get over the initial shock of seeing something different, you'll be happy with what you got. (On Blu-ray, April 25, 2015)

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    adamwatchesmovies@  16.5.2015 age: 26-35 2,887 reviews

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    9 - Excellent movie, a must see
    8 - Great movie, don't miss it
    7 - Good movie, worth seeing
    6 - Not bad, could be much better
    5 - So so, okay if you don't pay
    4 - Not good, even if you don't pay
    3 - Poor movie, not recommended
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