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    Office Christmas Party


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    “Office Christmas Party” wound up being exactly what I expected it to be. There are some funny moments present in a film that ultimately, doesn’t try very hard. If you’re drawn to this picture, you’ve already seen most of what it has to offer before.

    Zenotek branch manager Clay (T. J. Miller), his chief technical officer Josh (Jason Bateman) and technical wizard Tracey (Olivia Munn) have just learned that Carol Vanstone (Jennifer Aniston) is going to shut them all down unless they can meet their quarterly quota. In order to secure the big account that will guarantee them a job in the new year, they decide to throw the biggest Office Christmas Party ever.

    There’s not really a plot to this film as much as there’s a loose premise to open and close it. In the middle, we have a salad of outrageous displays. Yeah, some of it is funny. I think Sam Richardson does a good job and other tried-and-true comedians such as Courtney B. Vance, Rob Corddry, and Kate McKinnon deliver some chuckles along the way, but they’re only blips in a plot that could be shuffled around and not lose any logic to it. My issue with the picture is that it’s very repetitive and not really that creative. Take a traditional Christmas or Office party thing, make it vulgar, throw drugs, sex, and alcohol at it. Rinse and repeat. Actions don’t have consequences that lead to plot developments. Things just happen. I feel as though this story was “written” in a bar, where a bunch of buddies sat down and wrote all of the stuff that they wish would happen at the office Christmas party, but never would because people have common sense.

    Maybe I’m just a stick in the mud and I can’t appreciate good old adult debauchery. To a certain extent, that may be true. We’ve seen “The Hangover”, “Superbad” and “Jackass”. Shock comedy is getting old. I want stories that require dialogue! Regardless of your preference, it’s clear that the writing in this picture is weak. Characters are flat, they don’t change or learn anything unless it’s so the film can quickly wrap itself up.  Spoiler alert - click to reveal textIn one scene, people are dancing in lurid fashion, much to the chagrin of Head of Human Resources, Mary (Kate McKinnon) She’s threatening to kill the whole thing. Do Clay, Josh or Tracey walk up to her, explain what is going on and encourage her to let loose for once? No. They don’t need to. A few minutes later, she’s no longer a stick in the mud and has joined in. It’s very obvious from the bloopers at the end and some inconsistencies in the way characters behave or shots are set up that Will Speck and Josh Gordon banked on the actors to save the film. The mortar used to keep the squandered talent together includes loud farts, male nudity, characters accidentally taking drugs and romantic sub-plots you won’t care about because you can see them coming a mile away.

    I just don’t think there’s anything truly innovative about “Office Christmas Party”. Aside from the fact that the decadence is Christmas themed, what’s new about this picture? The obligatory car chase that happens because police officers don’t exist? The rampant nudity? The normally restrained adults saying outrageous things? I’ve seen all that before and I’d wager that you have to. What this film lacks is a heart. There’s no core story to keep you emotionally invested in “Office Christmas Party” and that makes it very predictable. I’m not even convinced that the resolution we get makes any sense at all. If you ask me, it’s some sci-fi mumbo-jumbo that was quickly cooked up. If you do choose to see “Office Christmas Party”, stick around for the end credits, as they contain bloopers. (Theatrical version on the big screen, December 11, 2016)

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    adamwatchesmovies@  12.12.2016 age: 26-35 2,888 reviews

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