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    Open Water

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    Many people think that this movie is like another Jaws. Where sharks will attack for an hour and a half. To them, I say wake up and go see the movie. While others who claim that heroes must survive to be called heroes, I say take an English writing class. I mean according to your thinking Malcolm X is not a hero in real life or in his movie because "he did not survive". Wow that's pretty ignorant. Finally for all those who actually sold the movie (as I did since many other did before me) I say congrats, usually you come here to read other people's reviews and thoughts not to be spoiled a movie) Okay maybe I'm frustrated today, but let's head on to the movie. Open Water is about a couple played by Blanchard Ryan (All My Children, Super Troopers) and Daniel Travis (Sex in The City guest appearance) who is left behind on a scuba diving excursion. I find it interesting their characters were named after victims in Jaws in hence their names Kintner (Alex Kintner is the young boy who dies in Jaws) and Susan Watkins (Watkins is the name of the first victim in the movie Jaws) The movie does not try to be Jaws, it doesn't try to be scary. It plays around with your head and that's the beauty of the script. The acting on the other hand was below average. The beginning is really cheesy but I guess it was to show how they were a real loving couple but half way through the movie the characters chemistry builds up and becomes passable. Finally I'll have to agree with the people who posted that the "Based on true events" is getting overwhelming. It was good to compare it to Reality TV. We don't want movies based on true events, we want a movie that is the true events... when will they learn?

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    tony82@  7.10.2004 age: 18-25 48 reviews

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    9 - Excellent movie, a must see
    8 - Great movie, don't miss it
    7 - Good movie, worth seeing
    6 - Not bad, could be much better
    5 - So so, okay if you don't pay
    4 - Not good, even if you don't pay
    3 - Poor movie, not recommended
    2 - Very bad, forget about it
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