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    Paranormal Activity 4

    Reviewed by

    Yes, this franchise does it again. I'm happy to say that "Paranormal Activity 4" exceeds my expectations. This movie is the scariest one yet. I'd say it's right up there with "Paranormal Activity 1" and "3" and has the same formula to affect your nervous system and thoughts, but maybe with a tad more intensity. You be the judge. Honestly, "2" wasn't nearly as good, although it did have some merit to it. As a fan of the horror series, I wondered if they'd be able to pull off a 4th movie without a hitch, but to my great surprise they did... and quite effortlessly I might say. Aside from that, the story line with this one is very good, easy to follow, and keeps your interest throughout the entire picture. As is the usual pattern with these flicks, things start off pretty slow. I always like how it's a gradual build-up leading up to the bizarre sequence of events, and "PA4" does just that. However, there are more crazy twists involved than one might expect with this story which in turn takes you on quite an adrenaline pumped thrill ride... at least for some of us. I find too there's even a more disturbing yet ominous ambiance to this film. Lots of random scares, clamor, and freaky surprises are in store, and guaranteed to have you jumping out of your seat. I must admit the camera work is at times a bit wobbly, just like with the other flicks from the series, although there are some good angle shots however. Also, I liked the acting in this film, especially with some of the newest cast members. I thought Kathryn Newton who played 15 yr old Alex was amazing in her role. Matt Shively as "Ben", Alex's boyfriend was great too. I liked his antics and thought he was quite the comedian. He was hilarious. The two youngest actors as Robbie and Wyatt were both very good. It can't be denied that Robbie is one very creepy little kid. Then there's Katie Featherson who's back this time again. I've always enjoyed her performances from the other flicks, and she's fiendishly remarkable in this one. As far as "PA4's" ending goes, it's heart pounding and the last 20 minutes is definitely the best trip of the film. I realize this may not be everyone's cup of joe, but I say to each his own. Overall, great entertainment... perfect Halloween flick. Can't wait for "PA5" to come out.

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    crisperguy33@  30.10.2012 age: 36-49 113 reviews

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    9 - Excellent movie, a must see
    8 - Great movie, don't miss it
    7 - Good movie, worth seeing
    6 - Not bad, could be much better
    5 - So so, okay if you don't pay
    4 - Not good, even if you don't pay
    3 - Poor movie, not recommended
    2 - Very bad, forget about it
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