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    Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time

    Reviewed by

    Why do all action movies these days present their actors with too much make up and perfect hair? (king kong, x men origins, clash of the titans and many others) This is understandable in a chick flick, but in an action movie, specially a movie where a large part of the story happens in the desert? This kind of film shouldn't get a passing grade, but seeing the good acting, the crazy visuals and the decent plot, I guess it makes up for it. Sure, there are other many flaws, such as weak dialogue at times and bad transitions between scenes (specifically at the beginning of the movie), but overall this is a good movie. Plus, having played the game, I must say that this might be the best video game adaptation yet.

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    rocafrank@  28.5.2010 age: 18-25 27 reviews

    It's this way because of the game. LOL.

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    samsamyellowknife@  29.5.2010 age: 13-17

    That's a good thing because Jordan Mechner who created the original Prince of Persia in 1982 oversaw everything.

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    bmubersoldat52@  29.5.2010 age: 18-25 97 reviews

    Hummm and you have directed and written how many films, let me know which of the films you have wrote and directed and perhaps I could critque one of yours, ooops what is that you say you have not written any films or directed any, well perhaps when you do you might have a point, seeing almost all the reviews are 9's and 10's , I would say your most likely just bitter, too sad, too bad, maybe a movie was not what you needed but instead therapy would have been a better mix for you.

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    mcse-winnipeg@  29.5.2010 age: 36-49 4 reviews

    Actually I'd have to say best video game adaptation yet has to go to Resident Evil - just the first one though. Even Tomb Raider was better!

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    e_spice8@  31.5.2010 age: 18-25

    I guess resident evil also is one of the best adaptation, true that. However, although I never really played any lara croft games, both movies were just horrible.

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    rocafrank@  31.5.2010 age: 18-25 27 reviews

    So... basically you are saying you have to be a filmmaker in order to review a movie? Is it just me or the great majority of film critics are not film makers, starting with almost everyone on this website? And why would I need therapy, because I didn't fully appreciate a movie? Lol.

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    rocafrank@  31.5.2010 age: 18-25 27 reviews

    No you do not have to be a film maker, just intelligent [...] you are not even accurate in what you wrote, at no point in time did anything you say in your review even mimic a correct statment, you made a lot of ambigous statements about how many movies where made from video games and where really very incorrect, next off many critics are actual in the movie business, either in theater or movies or have some realtionship to it, they are not just some person arbitrarly hired by a newpaper, lol, [...]

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    mcse-winnipeg@  1.6.2010 age: 36-49 4 reviews

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