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    The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader


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    People are beginning to compare this to harry Potter? Harry Potter!? Just because there are seven books, and it's a fun fantasy adventure doen't mean that the movies will be any which way good. First of all, Harry Potter is the most succesful series of all time, and has won awards for best series of all time as well. Narnia on the other hand is beyond cheesy. If you're going to compare Narnia to Harry Potter, then I suggest some comparisons. Every Harry Potter movie has its highlight, and each film has that one thing you remeber from the movie that first comes to your mind when thinking of that Harry Potter film. For example, Dumbledoor's death in the sixth movie, the dragon scene in the fourth movie, and the intense voldemort vs dumbloor battle in the fifth movie. Nothing comes to mind when thinking of Narnia. The final epic battle scene in the first movie was the thing I remember most about that movie and to be honest, it was the most cheesy, and over-the-top action scene I have ever scene. Prince Caspian picked up where the kitty, the [...], and dressing closet left off. With a crazy, over-the-top, and never-ending action feature. You can't review a movie when it's all action. The dawn treader, to me, was a sinking duchmen. A napper indeed. Big, explosive, thunderous, annoying, transformers explosive, and fast-paced crap is not what magical Narnia is suppose to be. It made no money over the weekend, and guess what, there's no way it's getting any better. This is worse than Eragon. You repliers can say what you want, but I'm a serious movie critic and this feature was completely off tempo.

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    jarad_8.4@  15.12.2010 age: 13-17 37 reviews

    "Serious movie critic"? Seriously?

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    jdjefford@  20.12.2010 age: 36-49 555 reviews

    I doubt at 13-17 years of age you are a "serious movie critic", that's ridiculous. And Narnia has already passed the test of time, since they were written in the 1950's. I think it's fair to compare the two series, because both introduced countless children to fantasy. I would seriously reconsider the way you are making yourself look with this kind of "review", because it's not good.

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    kitty_eli@  28.12.2010 age: 26-35

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    9 - Excellent movie, a must see
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    6 - Not bad, could be much better
    5 - So so, okay if you don't pay
    4 - Not good, even if you don't pay
    3 - Poor movie, not recommended
    2 - Very bad, forget about it
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