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    The Control Room

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    Many will argue is there enough room in one season, especially summertime for two documentaries about the war and Iraq? Especially after the over-mediatized Farenheit 9/11. Is there another market for "Control Room? " I attended the première and I can say there definitely is. Control Room is the type of documentary where no facts or stats are given to you, they are shown right in front of your eyes for you to understand it even better. It also touches a different area of the war that Farenheit 9/11 barely touched, the media aspect. You are not bombarded with crazy connections or anything complex. Everything about the movie remains simple and that's the key. A simple look at the most important station in the Arab countries, the Al-Jazeera news network. This simple look demonstrates how important the media truly is in our everyday life. It influences everything from what we wear in the morning to what we believe is right. In this case it makes or at least tries to make us understand the on-going events in the Middle East. Most importantly it demonstrates how Al-Jazeera was wrongfully perceived especially here in America. A very important movie to see and is actually fun to watch. I personally enjoyed this release more than Farenheit 9/11. But in the end it's all about media hype.

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    tony82@  8.10.2004 age: 18-25 48 reviews

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    7 - Good movie, worth seeing
    6 - Not bad, could be much better
    5 - So so, okay if you don't pay
    4 - Not good, even if you don't pay
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