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    The Edge of Seventeen


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    I’m in love. I just want to take the script to “The Edge of Seventeen” and rub it all over my body I enjoyed it so much. This coming of age comedy/drama understands teenagers so well, features such good performances and showcases a script so expertly written that you can’t help but leave the theater grinning.

    When 17-year-old Nadine (Hailee Steinfeld) finds out that her best friend – her only friend – Krista (Haley Lu Richardson) is dating her brother Darian (Blake Jenner) It’s the end of the world; it’s the apocalypse! The end of days! Or at least, that’s what it feels like. It doesn’t help that her history teacher, Mr. Bruner (Woody Harrelson) doesn’t seem to care at all that her teenage life has been ruined forever.

    Trailers for "The Edge of Seventeen" have mostly focused on the comedic aspects of the film, and it’s true that the film is frequently laugh–out–loud funny, particularly when Harrelson is on–screen, but that’s just the tip of it. This coming–of–age story contains many dramatic moments in it as well. Not necessarily moments that will make you cry (although you might be tempted to); it’s that there’s a lot of truth present here and sometimes, the truth just hits you so hard. This movie is so honest about its characters, their actions, the portrayal of adults/parents and particularly, of teenagers. At times, you see the adult that Nadine is going to become. She's so smart that she relates better to adults than she does students her own age. At other points, she's basically a menace, so immature and self–obsessed you can't wait for her to grow up, realize that what's happening isn't the end of the world, and move on. Hailee Steinfeld, in an excellent performance, puts you in this teenager’s shoes so well. You instantly fall in love with her; when her heart breaks, so does yours. At the same time, the film is able to take a step back and show how melodramatic she's being. It balances this comedic aspect and the humor extremely well.

    I hope that a lot of teenagers go out to see this picture. I know that had I seen it at Nadine’s age, it would’ve helped me get through some of the more “emotionally wrenching” moments I faced. Written and directed by Kelly Fremon Craig knows what it’s talking about. It doesn't shy away from real issues that high school seniors will face. Underage drinking, awkward first dates, sibling rivalry, friendships coming together and falling apart, sex... just life in general. I've never been a teenage girl, in fact, I had enough trouble even mustering the courage to talk to one, but over and over I found myself thinking "Yes! That's EXACTLY what it was like".

    "The Edge of Seventeen" is a time machine, it transports you back to that spot in your life. It fills you with nostalgia and makes you glad that you've moved on. It's a rush of adrenaline not because there are any zany developments or wacky antics; it simply pulls you through the ups and downs of this young woman's life, and it's fascinating. It certainly helps that the performances are top–notch; so convincing you forget that you're watching actors. I wouldn't be surprised if the dialogue and parts of the plot were altered once the casting choices came back. It's the only way I can explain the perfection found in each and every moment where Hailee Steinfeld, Woody Harrelson, Haley Lu Richardson, Blake Jenner and/or Kyra Sedgwick on–camera. It makes a story that in truth isn't really all that big – I mean it's your best friend, sure, but it's not like the fate of the world is at stake – feel like the most important event of your life.

    “The Edge of Seventeen” takes you an emotional journey, one that emulates Nadine’s. With all that said, what truly sold me on "The Edge of Seventeen" was the script. It's like a big tasty ice cream cake that has been perfectly sized to fill you up, but not too much and that you get to savor all by yourself. Each bite is as good, if not better than the last. I keep replaying some of my favorite moments in my head, how sharply penned and delivered they are. It makes me want to watch the movie again. More than that, it compels me to spread the word: "The Edge of Seventeen" is one of the best movies of the year. (theatrical version on the big screen, November 24, 2016)

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    adamwatchesmovies@  28.11.2016 age: 26-35 2,888 reviews

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