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    The Silver Linings Playbook


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    "Silver Linings Playbook" stands tall among romantic comedies. It’s a date movie that will win over the most stonehearted individuals. This effort by director David O. Russell, based on the book by Matthew Quick manages to juggle just the right amount of drama and comedy to keep a constant flow of joy coming your way. As a special treat it also features truly excellent performances from the whole cast. The film is labelled as a comedy but it's the kind of comedy that happens in everyday life when real people get together, not the kind of manufactured, forced or outlandish comedy you're used to seeing in more conventional films (so no wacky hijinks) After being treated for bipolar disorder, Pat (Bradley Cooper) feels like he’s got himself a plan to get his life back in order. He’s started working out to get in shape, he’s forgiven his wife for cheating on him and now that he’s done his court-appointed time in the hospital, he’s ready to win back his wife. The only problem is that in order to in order to start talking to Nikki (Brea Bee), Pat has to find a way to get around the restraining order she has against him. That’s where an attractive woman named Tiffany (Jennifer Lawrence) comes in. She’ll pass along the letters if he helps her compete in a dance competition.

    The beauty of it is that the movie draws its comedy and drama from realism. Pat’s bipolar disorder for instance makes for some funny moments, but it doesn’t turn a serious problem into a running gag. Everyone here feels like a real person. You really connect with the characters. When things go bad, you cringe. When things are going well you’re excited and as the movie develops, you can’t wait to see where it goes.

    The strongest element in the film is the characters and their dialogue. When everyone (including unexpected actors like Chris Tucker) delivers genuine performances you know it's not only the script that's working, it's the actors, their chemistry and a good director that's really taking the lead. There are subtle touches here and there that really make the movie work and make it more than a run-of-the-mill drama/comedy. This is going to sound like a trivial little thing, but sometimes the truth is in the details so hear me out. When you're watching it, take a look at how Pat's brother Jake is introduced. The movie is put together with intelligence and assumes that you are sharp enough to follow along both the good and rough parts of these peoples’ lives without being spoon-fed clunky exposition or being exposed to contrived developments or unnecessary and artificial characters.

    The overall story may feel conventional at times but that's almost the charm of it, there's just enough left uncertain (mostly due to the unstable characters) to keep you guessing while keeping you in a comfortable spot. While a lot of the film follows a lot of sort-of romantic comedy/dramas the characters are so well developed that your attention is on them. You won’t even notice how the overall structure keeps the essential elements of a romantic comedy while injecting its own little twists here and there until the credits begin to roll. And with that ending, which perfectly captures the small moments that make life special, you can’t help but share in the jubilation that’s effortlessly generated in a piece of art that’s this well made. I can’t think of any friends I have I wouldn’t recommend this one to. (Theatrical version on the big screen, January 3, 2013)

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    adamwatchesmovies@  29.8.2015 age: 26-35 2,888 reviews

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    9 - Excellent movie, a must see
    8 - Great movie, don't miss it
    7 - Good movie, worth seeing
    6 - Not bad, could be much better
    5 - So so, okay if you don't pay
    4 - Not good, even if you don't pay
    3 - Poor movie, not recommended
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