TV Series 2012 Animation
Twin brother and sister Dipper and Mabel Pines are in for an unexpected adventure when they spend the summer with their great uncle in the mysterious town of Gravity Falls, Oregon. Upon their arrival, Dipper and Mabel's huckster great uncle, also known as Grunkle Stan, enlists the siblings' help in running The Mystery Shack, a fun tourist trap he owns that overcharges unsuspecting customers. Although Dipper and Mabel quickly discover The Mystery Shack itself is a hoax, they sense there is something strange about their new town and together they begin to unlock the secrets of Gravity Falls.
Company | Walt DisneyWalt DisneyWalt Disney |
Featuring Voices of
Jason Ritter
Alex Hirsch
Kristen Schaal
Linda Cardellini
Jennifer Coolidge
T.J. Miller
Will Forte
Stephen Root
J.K. Simmons
Nick Offerman
Nathan Fillion
Greg Cipes
Alfred Molina
Jillian Bell
Louis C.K.
Diedrich Bader
Chris Parnell
Mark Hamill
Chelsea Peretti
John Oliver
Patton Oswalt
Jon Stewart
Mckenna Grace
Scott Menville
Daryl Sabara
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