Timothy Hutton
Timothy Tarquin Hutton
64 years old
BornAugust 16, 1960
Malibu, California, USA
Photo from "Leverage"
12 TV series
The Haunting of Hill House
2018. TV Series Horror Michiel Huisman & Carla Gugino
Close Up with the Hollywood Reporter
2015. TV Series Talk show Lacey Rose & Stephen Galloway
detailsreviewsStarring in 50 movies
The Glorias
2020. 2h19m History-based drama Julianne Moore & Alicia Vikander
Beautiful Boy
R13+14A14A14A14A2018. 2h00m Drama Steve Carell & Timothée Chalamet
All the Money in the World
R13+14A14A14A14A14A2017. 2h12m Dramatic thriller Michelle Williams & Christopher Plummer
Mary Tyler Moore: A Celebration
2015. 55m Biography documentary by Steve Boettcher
showtimesdetailsreviewsThe Ghost Writer
PG-13GPGPGPGPGPG2010. 2h08m Dramatic thriller Ewan McGregor & Jon Bernthal
Brief Interviews with Hideous Men
2009. 1h20m Drama Julianne Nicholson & Ben Shenkman
showtimesdetailsreviews1The Alphabet Killer
R2008. 1h40m Dramatic thriller Eliza Dushku & Cary Elwes
showtimesdetailsreviews3The Last Mimzy
PGGGPGGPGPG2007. 1h36m Adventure drama Chris O'Neil & Rhiannon Leigh Wryn
When a Man Falls in the Forest
2007. 1h26m Dramatic thriller Dylan Baker & Stacie Bono
showtimesdetailsreviewsThe Good Shepherd
R13+14A14A14A14AAA2006. 2h47m Psychological drama Matt Damon & Angelina Jolie
Last Holiday
PG-13GPGPGPGPGPG2006. 1h51m Adventure comedy Queen Latifah & LL Cool J
Secret Window
PG-1313+14A14A14A14AAA2004. 1h36m Horror Johnny Depp & John Turturro
The General's Daughter
R16+1999. 1h56m Dramatic thriller John Travolta & Madeleine Stowe
City of Industry
1997. 1h37m Dramatic thriller Harvey Keitel & Stephen Dorff
showtimesdetailsreviews1Everybody's All-American
1988. 2h07m Romantic drama Jessica Lange & Dennis Quaid
showtimesdetailsreviewsThe Falcon and the Snowman
1985. 2h11m Dramatic thriller Timothy Hutton & Sean Penn